“Oh yeah, that. I was thinking the video only stored for two weeks and then started over, and I was right. But really, you needn’t worry.” He tapped his temple. “I have a mind like a steel trap. I never forget a face.”

Finley had expected as much. “Thanks for your time.”

She exited the shop and considered her resources for getting info from credit card companies.

It was possible Winthrop or one of her five had paid the shop owner for the necessary documentation. It was also possible someone else had. The still-unidentified J.Grady on the bank account. Lena Marsh, the receptionist with whom Grady had an affair. Or a yet-to-be-discovered partner in Grady’s scheme.

Winthrop was smart. She was savvy. But that didn’t mean she couldn’t be fooled on a level even she hadn’t recognized yet.

Finley climbed into her Subaru and backed out of the space. Before she merged onto the highway, her cell vibrated. She answered without checking the screen.


“This is Lena Marsh. Can we meet? We need to talk. As soon as possible.”

“I was just thinking about you.” The call was definitely an odd coincidence. Maybe. Finley surveyed the traffic. “I can meet. Where did you have in mind?”

“The coffee shop on the corner near the clinic.”

“I’m on my way.” Finley ended the call and merged into traffic.

She had a feeling Winthrop didn’t know the half of what had gone down with her husband and the other woman—receptionist Lena Marsh.


1:30 p.m.


Church Street, Nashville

Finley spotted Lena Marsh as soon as she stepped inside the door. The shop was crowded—as always—but Marsh had snagged one of the comfy seating areas in the corner near the mug display.

At the counter Finley ordered her favorite, iced caramel macchiato. A minute was required for the prep, so she checked in with Whitney Lemm. The woman answered the motel-room phone instantly. Finley had taken Lemm’s cell and disposed of it so it couldn’t be used to track her. If Dempsey’s thug found her, she was a dead woman.

“Just checking in,” Finley said, hoping to sound upbeat.

“I’m going crazy here,” Lemm snapped. “When is your friend coming?”

This was the tricky part. Finley had called Houser on the way here and had finally gotten him instead of his voice mail. He couldn’t meet with her until five or after. She just needed Lemm to stay calm and to stay put for a few more hours.

“I talked to him,” Finley assured her, “but we can’t meet in person for a few more hours, maybe five or six o’clock. Just hang on a little while longer.”

“Are you serious?” More whining.

“Just stay put,” Finley urged. “At the moment this is the only way I know to keep you safe.”


The call ended. Finley stared at her phone for a moment before tucking it away. She hoped like hell Lemm was smart enough to stay hidden.

The barista placed Finley’s order on the counter. She snagged it and headed for the woman waiting in the corner.

Marsh produced a smile that didn’t meet her eyes. “I took a late lunch, so I only have about half an hour.”

“Why don’t we get straight to the point then? Tell me what’s going on.” Finley sipped her sweet, icy drink.

Marsh looked away for a moment. She scanned the crowd around them before turning back to Finley. “I wasn’t entirely honest with you about my relationship with Jarrod.”