Finley watched the young woman. She pretended to remain focused on her task, but she repeatedly glanced at her boss. She was in her early twenties. Asian, perhaps. Attractive. Petite with long dark hair.

“The bug is mine. The receipt also. Bringing a photo along was smart. I like to be sure. These matters are generally quite delicate. Fact is, you never know when someone might have used a stolen credit card. Better to be sure by presenting a photo ID.”

“The internet says you’re open Tuesday through Saturday, nine to six,” Finley said. “Do you have any other employees?”

He seemed surprised by the additional questions.

“That’s right. Tuesday through Saturday. A man’s gotta have time off.”

“Employees?” Finley glanced at the woman down the counter.

“Oh yes,” he said. “Wendy Getty.”

Wendy gave Finley a nod.

“It’s just the two of us,” he added.

Finley really wanted to talk to Wendy without her boss. “Is there any chance your security”—she pointed to the camera in a nearby corner—“system still has the video of Grady’s visit last month?”

Howard made a face. “Well, to be honest, I’ll have to check. Hang on a moment, and I’ll see.”

As soon as he’d disappeared through the door leading to the back, Finley eased down the counter.

“Hey.” She showed Wendy the photo of Grady. “Did you see him?”

She looked from the photo to Finley. “No.”

“Maybe you were at lunch,” Finley suggested.

Wendy gestured to a small desk behind the counter. “I eat lunch right there.”

“Are you saying your employer is lying?” Finley held up the receipt. “That the receipt is bogus?”

“The receipt looks legit, but I’m saying that guy”—she nodded to Finley’s phone—“never came in this shop on that day or any other day that we’ve been open in the past year that I’ve worked here.”

“You’re always here,” Finley countered.

“If he’s here, I’m here.”

“Why would he lie?”

Wendy turned back to her work. “Do I have to spell it out?”

All lawyers preferred to hear the words. Finley glanced at the camera. “Are you afraid of being fired?”

Wendy paused her work and looked at Finley once more. “No. It’s only video, not audio.” She narrowed her eyes. “Charlie lives by a simple motto:Money talks.Would you like to throw a bid out there to see if yours is higher? He’s always happy to change his story.”

Finley smiled. “No. No. I’m good. Thanks.”

“Sorry.” Howard’s voice rang out ahead of his appearance from the back of the shop.

Finley held up the bag and for Charlie’s benefit said, “I still don’t see how this stuff works.”

Wendy smiled, understanding the comment was a cover for what the two of them had been discussing. “It’s above my pay grade too.”

“That’s what I’m here for.” Howard parked himself at the counter next to Wendy. “Any questions you have, I probably have the answer.”

Finley forced a smile. “I’ll keep that in mind when I’m ready to make a purchase. What about the video?”