Ellen stared directly at Jessica as she spoke. “We will do what we have always done.” Then she glanced around the table. “Any more questions?”

There were none. They had done what they had to do.

They would always do the necessary.

Ellen’s gaze landed on Jessica once more.Always.

Moments later, when the others filed out of the conference room, Vivian stayed behind. When the door had closed, leaving the two of them alone, Vivian turned to Ellen.

“I know,” Ellen said before she could say a word. “She’s forgotten her place.”

Vivian released a heavy breath. “We coddled her far too long, I fear. Now she’s rebelling.”

It was true. Jessica was the youngest. Her life before Ellen found her had been less than optimal. Her parents had not known how to handle their child prodigy. Ellen had changed all that, but apparently, the damage had been done. Or perhaps Jessica had simply grown selfish of late. Either way, Jessica had made a mistake, and the others now waited for the other shoe to drop.

“We’ll give her every opportunity,” Ellen insisted. “There’s still time for her to turn this around.”

Vivian nodded, but the doubt lining her face was undeniable. “Good night, Ellen.”

“Good night.”

Ellen stayed behind for a time after Vivian was gone. She needed a moment alone.

The walls around her remained dark, giving her the privacy she needed.

She stared at the reports and photos Vivian and Liz had prepared for the meeting. Fury ripped through Ellen. She snatched at the photo of Jarrod. Ripped it to shreds, her fingers fumbling, her heart bursting beneath her breastbone.


She threw the torn pieces in the air ... collapsed into her chair and fought the ache of a scream in her throat.

Yes, mistakes had been made this time. And hers was the worst.

How had she allowed him so close?

An emotional entanglement hadn’t been part of the strategy. How had she allowed him to touch her so deeply?

What he had done over and over was unforgivable.

And still she had not been able to resist.

She had known. She. Had. Known. None of those he had victimized were ever able to resist him.

But Ellen had believed herself above such weaknesses.

She had been wrong.

Time was required for her to gather her wits about her. Eventually Ellen stood. She tidied the mess she had made before taking the file and dropping it into the shredder.

The first stage of the plan was complete. There had been collateral damage, yes. But that was the way of battles at times. She just hadn’t expected the fight to come from within her ranks.

Ellen was not ready to give up on salvaging the situation just yet.

She cleared the footage of her momentary lapse from the security video before leaving the building. There must be no evidence of her weakness for the others to see. This was a very difficult time for all of them.

There could be no hesitation and no more mistakes.

She would see this finished ... whatever the cost.