Jack took a seat. “Sounds like it didn’t go well.”
Finley explained the odd sequence of events, including her visit to Pettit, in case Jack hadn’t heard about it from Winthrop already.
“We need to dig a little deeper into this receptionist,” he pointed out.
No question. “Winthrop is not telling us everything, Jack.” Finley considered the partners. “Whatever she and the others are hiding, they’re all involved or at least aware.”
“You think Winthrop wanted her husband dead. Maybe hired someone to do the deed while she was out for a walk.”
Finley shrugged. “In my opinion, she’s still not tracking as a cold-blooded killer. But I’m convinced we’re missing something. I can feel it.”
“I trust your instincts, Fin. Do what you think you need to do to find the whole story.”
“Count on it.” She nodded. “This morning I spoke to the event planner he worked for when he met Winthrop. He showed up at just the right time. Mid-May. She was desperately understaffed. She insists she checked his references and found no reason not to hire him.”
Jack pursed his lips for a moment. “Did he make friends there? Someone he may have shared details of his personal life?”
“The owner said not. Ventura interviewed all the employees and got nothing.”
Jack made a face, reached into his jacket pocket for his cell. “Finnegan.” He listened to the caller for a few seconds, then: “I’ll come to you.”
He ended the call and pushed to his feet. “Gotta go. Ventura has more questions.”
“You think he’s planning an arrest?” Finley grabbed her bag and keys. She had places to go and people to see as well.
“That, in my opinion,” Jack said as they walked toward the door, “would be premature. But stranger things have happened.”
Outside, Finley watched her boss drive away. The relationships between men and women were complicated, some more than others. She wondered if Winthrop’s marriage had been doomed from the beginning, when her family appeared to be five other women with whom she shared everything. Had there really been room for a husband?
Not to mention it seemed her husband was missing the loyalty gene.
Like Derrick.
No, that wasn’t true. Derrick had proved his loyalty when he’d put his life on the line for Finleythatnight. His issue had been secrets. About what, she had no idea.
Was there really any difference? Disloyalty ... dishonesty. Just another kind of betrayal.
As she reached for her car door, her cell sounded off. She dug in her pocket for it and noted the name on the screen.
She hadn’t called him this week. He liked hearing from her at least every other day.
“Hey, Dad.” She settled behind the wheel and started the engine. Damn, it was hot. The curse of living in the South. The heat would hang around until the freezing cold showed up. There was rarely any in-between.
“Hey, sweetheart, how’s your week going?”
She smiled. Couldn’t help herself. His voice made her happy ... made her forget for a moment that the rest of her world was upside down. “Well, it’s going.”
He laughed. “Enough said. Listen, your mom and I feel like it’s been forever since you came to dinner. We’re hoping you can come tonight. I know it’s short notice, but it would mean a whole lot to your old dad.”
Finley swallowed a groan and dropped her head against the car seat. “Is something going on?”
Dinner with the Judge was like walking over hot coals and then deciding to sit on them just to see if the burn intensified.
“No. No. We just miss you, that’s all. We’re not getting any younger, you know.”
And there it was, the parental blackmail card. How could she say no to that?