Finley loaded into her Subaru. Winthrop watched, her own car and driver waiting close by. As far as Finley and Jack were concerned, the Winthrop case was closed. Finley drove away without looking back.
Derrick had loved her. She grinned, feeling as if a dump truck had been lifted from her chest. He hadn’t betrayed her. She wanted to get back to the hospital and share the news with Matt.
After what he’d been through, he deserved to be the first to know. When he was home and recovered, they were going to celebrate. She pressed the accelerator a little harder.
“Make the next right.”
Finley jumped. Swerved sharply before righting the car. Her gaze flew to the rearview mirror. She didn’t recognize the face there. Didn’t need to. All that mattered was the weapon aimed at the back of her head.
Fear banded around her rib cage, but she ignored it. “Where are we going?”
“No questions. Just follow my directions.”
She slowed, made the right turn. Her fingers tightened on the wheel. Did she keep driving? Make a sudden, jarring stop in hopes of throwing him forward?
The gun could go off, and since it was aimed at her head, that wasn’t a good idea.
Think, Finley!This wasn’t the first time she had been in a precarious position like this one.
She had known there would be others. Did he have to show up now? Damn it. Anger blasted through her. She was sick and tired of these bastards hounding her.
“Left at the light.”
She did as he ordered, her rage building. She should be scared, but by God she’d had enough. She was not going down without a fight.
Hell no!
“Left at the stop sign.”
The turn told Finley where they were going.
The murder house.
How fitting. The place she should have died more than a year ago.
A new surge of outrage belted her. The bastard was too late. At this point, she had no intention of dying. Matt needed her. Her parents and Jack needed her. Derrick wanted her to be happy.
Besides, she had plans now. Damn it. She intended to make a difference. Houser’s words echoed in her head. She intended to change the world.
“Pull into the driveway.”
She did as he asked but not before she spotted Helen Roberts peeking out her front window. Hope gave her a boost.Please let her be her nosy self and notice that something is wrong. Please let her call the police.
“Shut off the engine.”
Finley complied. What now? Should she open the door and make a run for it?
Scream at the top of her lungs?
No. No. She couldn’t do either of those.
Wait until they were outside the car and turn on him? Kick him in the balls?
“We’re going inside,” he growled. “As long as you behave, no one else will get hurt. You scream and a neighbor rushes out, they’re dead.”
“Got it.” Finley opened her door and climbed out. Her body felt oddly disjointed and numb. Putting one foot in front of the other was no easy task.Keep going. Wait for the right moment.
“Move.” He nudged her with the gun.