Page 104 of The Nature of Secrets

“That is our top of the line,” Wendy said.

When Finley met her gaze, Wendy gave her head a little shake.

“Is this the one you’d recommend?” Finley reached with her left hand and moved to the next photo.

“If audio is what you need,” Wendy explained, “the range on this one is the longest.”

While Finley studied the gadget some more, Wendy stared at the image on the phone.

“Well, fancy seeing you again.” Howard appeared next to Wendy.

Finley almost jumped. She’d been so focused she hadn’t noticed him sidling over. She set down the box, ensuring it covered her phone.

“I have some neighbor trouble.”

Howard nodded. “Gotcha.” He picked up another of the boxes. “You’ll want video too.” He turned to Wendy, who looked exactly like a deer trapped in the headlights. “Give her an extra good deal if she takes both.” He grinned at Finley. “We want to keep this lady happy.” He pointed at Finley. “Jack Finnegan is the man!”

When he’d drifted back to his customers, Finley turned back to Wendy. “You can ring those up for me.”

Wendy nodded and moved to the register.

Finley palmed her phone. Hoped Wendy hadn’t lost her nerve.

“Three fifteen,” she said, looking even more nervous now.

Finley tapped her card on the payment terminal. The ding of approval had Wendy printing out the receipt.

Howard’s voice as he did his sales pitch seemed to boom in Finley’s ear. Why the hell couldn’t he need something in the back? Or just move farther down the counter? Damn it!

Wendy bagged the merchandise and shoved the bag at Finley. “Thank you. We hope you’ll shop with us again.”

Finley took the bag, hesitated a moment.

The bell over the door dinged, and Wendy turned toward the sound.

Finley took her bag and walked out, frustrated more at herself than at the woman behind the counter. She had been in an awkwardposition. Why the hell hadn’t Finley thought to pass her a card? Then she could have called.

She’d have to go back inside. She climbed into her Subaru and opened the bag. Maybe one of these gadgets had a rechargeable battery and she could go back inside to buy an extra one.

The receipt snagged her attention. Or more specifically the single word written on the receipt. Finley smiled.


Finley glanced at the spy shop. “Thank you, Wendy.”

Jessica Lauder was the one who’d purchased the code grabber allegedly found in a pair of Jarrod Grady’s socks. Since she had access to all security information, there was only one reason for her to purchase the device: to direct suspicion at someone else.

Either she’d been following Winthrop’s orders, or sweet little Jessica was involved with the murder.

Lauder Residence

Twelfth Avenue South, Nashville, 12:55 p.m.

Since Jessica’s parents had retired to Florida, that left only one option close by. Her husband.

Making a call to Wesley Lauder’s place of employment and using her former position as an ADA, Finley had learned that he was working from home today.

The Twelfth South townhome was in one of Nashville’s most highly sought-after neighborhoods. The perfect setting for a power couple on the rise.