Page 8 of Mantus

“I’m here.” I wish I was with her, holding her, loving her. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to say. I want to see you again. I want you to know me, but my life is complicated.”

Her soft sigh is heartbreaking. “My life is not complicated. I feel drawn to you, but I don’t see how this works.”

“Don’t give up so easily, sweetheart. Give me a chance.” I can’t believe I’m fucking begging a woman for her attention. Yet, the idea of never seeing her again or touching her soft skin is unfathomable.

“Tell me one real thing about you.” There’s a small hitch in her voice.

“I couldn’t wait to get home so I could call you tonight and that’s never happened before. I don’t pine over women. I don’t beg them for a date. Until you, I never considered a woman more than company for a few hours.” It doesn’t exactly show me as a man of great character, but it’s completely honest.

“What makes me different?” The sound of fabric ruffling comes through the phone. Is she lying in bed talking to me?

Closing my eyes, I force the wave of desire to abate. “I have no idea, but you are most definitely different.”

“I have to get some sleep. I have an event tomorrow.”

When she doesn’t immediately say goodnight, I ask, “Can I meet you after that?”

“To have sex?” It might be my imagination, but I swear she sounds needy.

I grip my cock through my pants and close my eyes. A low grown escapes my throat while imagining her hand instead of mine. “Felicity, I would give anything to take you to bed.”

“Then what I require is total honesty, Mantus. I’ll meet you after my party tomorrow if you promise to tell me exactly who you are and what you do.” Her voice is rough with either passion or emotion. Maybe she’s as turned-on as I am just from talking to her.

“If I tell you the truth, you will never want to see me again and we won’t be having sex, sweetheart.” Gripping my shaft tighter, another grunt escapes.

She makes a tiny noise that could be pleasure or pain. “You’ll have to take the risk or the answer is no. I want you, but I can’t lose who I am to have you.”

“Do you know you’re driving me to a lustful death over here?” She’s pure, kind, and she wants me. I don’t deserve her, but I’m not a good enough man to back away.

“I know. I’m turned-on too.”

Unable to stop the growl, I let it roll through me. “I don’t want to take anything away from you. All I want is your time. After that, whatever you’re willing to give will be more than I deserve.”

“Oh,” she gasps. “I’ll text you with my address. Meet me at ten thirty tomorrow night.”

“I’ll be there.” Feeling hopeful is not something I’m accustomed to.

“Goodnight, Mantus.” She disconnects the line.

“Fuck!” I head for the shower to relieve my desire down the drain. It’s a lousy substitution for Felicity’s sweet body, but it will have to do for tonight.



What is it about Mantus that made me invite him to my house? Maybe I’m having a breakdown or something. I mean, it has been a while since I’ve had sex. Can a person lose her mind from not getting laid? Probably not.

Rachel was all for the hookup. She thinks that one night with Mantus will cure me of my obsession.

I have my doubts. Besides, I don’t believe he’s going to come through with his part of the bargain. Something tells me that revealing the entire truth about himself is not something that Mantus does often, if ever.

I pull into my driveway nearly twenty-five minutes late.

He’s already there, leaning against his shiny black Porsche. Standing up straight, he waits for me to stop, then opens my car door. “How was your party?”

“It was great.” I have to move the slit of my silver gown so I can step out of the car. It reveals my legs to the top of my thighs. The gown is strapless and has a twist between my breasts. One wrong move getting out of my Nissan and I’ll reveal more than just legs.

“You’re fucking gorgeous.” He offers his hand to help me out.