Page 6 of Mantus

I ignore the obvious attempt to gain my attention. My focus is on the woman across from me. There’s suddenly no room for anyone else in my world.

Once Beth is gone, Felicity lets out a breath and cocks her head. “Most men would be flattered that Beth paid so much attention to them.”

“Not interested.”

She blushes the prettiest pink, and it goes all the way down to the vee in her shirt. “What do you do for a living?”

It’s odd, but I don’t want to lie to her. “I find people and send them back where they belong.”

Her nose scrunches up. “Like a bounty hunter?”

“Sort of.”

She frowns. “You don’t want to tell me what you do. Is it illegal?”

“No.” Since the beings I rid the earth of are not human, they’re not subject to the laws here. “I just don’t think you would like it, and I’d like for you to know me better before I tell you everything.”

“Were you working on Saturday night when you tried to get into that wedding reception?” She’s as smart as she is pretty.

“I was working.”

“So, the father of the bride is in some kind of trouble?” Her voice drips with doubt.

“Not exactly. Tell me, did the rest of the reception go as planned?” Purgs cause chaos. That’s what they love. It’s usually how they get sent down from heaven. Once they escape purgatory, they’re a real pain in the ass.

She sighs and combs her fingers through her hair. “A string of mishaps had to be dealt with, but most of them didn’t affect the party. The bride never knew anything went wrong, so it was a success.”

Jorge couldn’t just leave without trying to make a mess of things. “The person I was tracking, who was not the father of the bride, likes to upset order.”

“I don’t understand.” When she tilts her head, her hair shifts, covering one eye, and she’s adorable.

“It’s difficult to explain.” I’m saved when the first course arrives and it’s a burrata with tomato and basil dressing poured over the top. The cream inside the mozzarella skin is perfection. I want to spread it all over Felicity rather than the delicious toast points rubbed with garlic.

The rest of the meal is equally spectacular, but all I can think about is how I can extend the evening and not watch her walk away.

* * *

In the parking lot, she says, “Thank you. It was a nice dinner. You didn’t have to pay.”

“It was my pleasure.” I want to take her home with me. If I’m honest, I want to keep her and not just for tonight. “Where’s your car?”

“I didn’t bring it. I only live a few blocks away.” Her shapely legs are a total distraction in that short skirt.

Pulling myself together, I ask, “Let me drive you home?”

She shakes her head. “I’m not going to have sex with you, Mantus.”

Even though she’s shooting me down, my cock thinks any sentence from her with the word sex in it sounds pretty good. “I didn’t ask for sex, Felicity.”

“Then you weren’t offering to drive me home so you could then ask if you could see me to the door, and then ask if I have coffee? This isn’t my first date ever, you know.” She pushes her hip out and puts her hand on it.

“You’re adorable.” I can’t take my eyes off her. “I won’t lie to you. Sex is not the furthest thing from my mind. I’ve imagined you naked since the moment we met. However, I can be patient.” I never have been before, but I’ve lived long enough to know how to wait for what I want.

“Maybe when you tell me what you really do for a living and who you are, instead of evading or giving half-truths, I’ll be more inclined to bring you home.” She steps backward. “Goodnight, Mantus.”

“Goodnight.” I close the distance between us in two steps and wrap my arm around her waist.

She gasps and clutches my shoulders. Eyes wide and mouth slightly open, she stares at me.