Page 21 of Mantus

“What is it, baby?” I follow the sound to the front door. Sometimes, I take her out front to roll on the concrete and nibble on some grass. “Let me get my shoes.”

She cries again and scratches the door.

I slip on a ratty pair of sneakers I wear to work in the garden and pull my hair up into a ponytail in case my neighbors are out early on Sunday morning.

I unlock the door, bolt, and slip free the chain before pulling the door open.

Mantus pops up from sitting on the stoop. “You’re awake.”

“What are you doing here?” My pulse races.

Pumpkin cries and rubs her head on my leg.

In sweats and a hoodie, I know I look a mess. I cried the entire way home from the city. The cab driver was mortified. As hard as I tried, I couldn’t get myself under control. I thought maybe I should have called the police, but the body disappeared, so no one would believe me anyway. Once I showered, I cried it all out, but they build up again with the sight of Mantus.

“I wanted to make sure you’re alright.” He’s still in his tuxedo pants and shirt but without the tie and jacket.

“How long have you been here?” I look down the block to see if my neighbors are out. The street is quiet this early on a weekend.

He shrugs. “A few hours.”

“You sat on my stoop all night?” My grip on the door is so tight my knuckles ache. I let it go.

He shuffles his feet. “Felicity, what did you think I do when I send purgs back where they belong?”

“I don’t know. I guess I thought you escorted them through some kind of portal. I didn’t realize you kill people.” My throat tightens and the last world comes out strangled.

“Jorge is not a person. He’s also not dead. He’s in purgatory where he belongs. He escaped and had to be sent back. He can assume the form of anyone here. That body was a projection he created. It wasn’t real. He’s an angel who did something so terrible that they clipped his wings and sent him down.” He pulls his hands out of his pockets and spreads them. “It’s my job to send them back. The only way to do that is to destroy whatever form they’re in here.”

I saw that man die. “I don’t believe you. He bled. You stabbed him in the heart and he bled.”

“That was a nice piece of drama created for your benefit. To injure me.” He stares at the ground before meeting my gaze again. “I don’t want to lose you, Felicity. I can’t change what I am. Together we can change what I have to do.”

It’s obvious that he’s desperate for me to have sex with him on Wednesday. That’s what this visit is all about. He wants his freedom. I can’t blame him, but I also can’t seem to see anything but the blood on his hands. “I’m sorry. As much as I want you, I can’t look at you right now.”

Misery mars his handsome face as he steps back. “I understand.” His voice is tight. “If you need me, call me, Felicity. I may not be what you want, but I’m still in love with you. I’ll come if you need anything at any time.”

Tears pour out of my stupid eyes. Not exactly the way a girl wants to hear that the man she’s been dating loves her.

“I can’t.” I close the front door, run to my bed, and cry my eyes out.



I’ve texted Felicity a dozen times in the last three days. She hasn’t responded. I tried calling, but it went to voice mail.

I check my phone for the tenth time in the last hour, hoping to at least see the three little dots moving. Nothing. It’s Wednesday. I’m almost resigned to my fate once again. Hope is a dangerous thing. I’ll have to let it go.

My phone rings startling me. I drop it and see Felicity’s name on the screen.

“Hello.” I sound as desperate as I feel.

“Your sister took her.” Rachel’s stern voice has an edge of panic.

“When?” My brain is in overdrive and my heart is pounding.

“I’m not sure. She was supposed to meet me this morning at the office and when I got here, Pumpkin was crying and Felicity was gone.” She may be crying, which is hard to imagine since she seemed so tough when I met her.