Page 17 of Mantus

There’s a lot I’d like to say to her. I want to explain or try to. For the first time in my life, I want to beg forgiveness. It will have to wait. I step into the kitchen. “Kikia, why are you here?”

“You can’t mate with that.” She points a long ruby-painted fingernail at Felicity.

The friend asks in a loud whisper, “Why does she keep saying ‘mate’? Is she talking about sex? Didn’t you already have sex?”

“I don’t know what she means exactly.” Felicity’s voice is tight.

Part of me is flattered that she told her friend about us, but my sister is ruining any joy I might find at the moment. “This is not your business.”

“The blood moon is coming,” she whines.

None of this is how I wanted Felicity to hear about demon lore and legend. I’m not even sure any of this is valid or that she has the power to alter my destiny. “It’s just old tales, Kikia.”

“If that were true, those above and below wouldn’t be so worried about what’s happening here.” She crosses her arms over her chest and pouts. “They’ve let two more purgs out to keep you busy, in hopes the moon will pass without the disgusting idea of you taking a human mate.” She gets giddy and rolls around on the island.

“I felt the shift.” I pull her upright and meet her gaze. “Go home, Kikia. Don’t come back, don’t bother Felicity again. You won’t like it if you make me angry.”

“You’d choose her over me?” Kikia’s bottom lip juts out in a poorly acted sad face.

Tugging the magical key that opens all doors out of her hand, I hold it so she can’t reach it. “You will never see this again if anything happens to these humans. I will hide it in a place you can’t reach for a dozen lifetimes. Do you understand?”

Fury shifts her pretty face to pure evil. “Give it back to me. It’s mine.”

“Swear to leave these humans alone? Swear to never come back here without my invitation?” Magic pours from the key and I hold it tighter. The magic wants to go back to her as much as she wants it. Still, I’ll do as I say if she fights me.

“Fine. I swear to leave them alone and never come back without your leave to do so.” She holds her hand out for the key.

I place the key in her palm. “Time to go, Kikia.”

She saunters toward the front door. Stopping, she looks back at Felicity. “He’ll destroy you because it’s his nature. Reject him before it’s too late.”

Before I can do or say anything, Kikia winks at me and steps outside.

All three of us rush to the door, but she’s gone.

“Where did she go?” Felicity asks.

“She used the key to open a doorway. She can get to and from any plane of existence.”

The friend sits on the couch. She stares at me and my woman like a mother about to scold her children. “I’m going to need a few minutes of explanation, Felicity.”

It’s hard not to laugh.

Felicity sits next to her. “Rachel, it would seem that my new boyfriend is a demon. His job is to send fallen angels back to purgatory so that the balance between good and evil can be maintained.” She turns to me. “Is that accurate?”

I close the front door and lean on it. “Yes.”

“What was all that shit about a blood moon and mates?” Rachel asks.

Looking at me, Felicity waits.

“Maybe we should discuss this alone.” I think that if I can seduce her, I can thwart the question. It’s not nice, but I’m a demon and it’s a good tactic. I push doubt toward her, but she pushes it aside, just as she did the other times I’ve tried it.

“Whatever that is that you do, you better stop.” She stands and faces me. “I’m not going to bend to your will because you’re a demon and if that’s what you want, you should go.”

“Get it, girl.” With her fists tight, Rachel looks ready to start cheerleading. Maybe she’s ready to start a fight or defend her friend. Whatever it is, I try to ignore her.

“I never said I wanted to change you. I just don’t want to tell you things that will upset you.” I use my softest voice, hoping to settle the emotions swirling around the room.