Page 16 of Mantus

Kikia tilts her head and her hair streams along her shoulder. “I go where I please. I’m Kikia Kohl, little Miss Party Planner. Does that ring more of a bell?”

“You’re related to Mantus?” I ease over to Pumpkin, who clearly hates the intruder.

Kikia jumps to her feet and saunters around the island. “I’m his sister, and his name is Belphegor. I’ll bet he didn’t tell you that, Happy.”

“My name is Felicity. Are you telling me your brother’s name is not Mantus?” One thing at a time. I have a million questions, but I’m starting with the most obvious.

She rolls her eyes. “It is, but he has many names. Did he tell you he’s a demon?”

“The fuck!” Rachel blurts out.

I hold up a hand hoping Rachel won’t antagonize Kikia, who feels a little off. “He told me what he is. He also told me that name you mentioned. Why do you care?”

“He’s my brother. The blood moon is coming. He has responsibilities. I came in through the front door.” She gives her responses while dancing around my kitchen, holding up a glowing key of some kind.

It takes me a moment to realize the last was in response to my question about how she got inside my house. “You need to go now.”

Rachel says, “Hi, you don’t know me, but your crazy-ass sister is in Felicity’s house. Maybe she needs help getting out of here.”

I turn and find Rachel talking on my phone. “You called Mantus?”

“Um, yeah!” She looks at me like it was the obvious thing to do. “He’s on his way.”

Kikia narrows her gaze on Rachel. “You know, I could snap my fingers and destroy you both.”

I put myself between Kikia and Rachel. My employee and dear friend has a look on her face that says she’s about to snatch someone by the hair. Rather than trying to calm Rachel, I look at the mad woman in my kitchen. “I don’t think you’re actually allowed to destroy me or anyone who belongs here on earth. If I understand the rules, there’s balance, and randomly killing people would upset that balance. If you did that, I’m guessing you’d have someone to answer to. Someone who is more threatening than me or my friend.”

Frustration tugs at Kikia’s mouth, and I know I’m right. She hops back up on my island. “I’m still not leaving. Not until you promise to reject my brother. If you reject him, everything will go back to normal. You’ve upset a lot of very important demons with your mating.”

“Mating?” Rachel steps so she’s right behind me and whispers. “What is crazy-hoochie-mama talking about?”

“I’ll explain later.” My stomach is in knots.

“There’s nothing to explain. This human woman had sex with my brother. Not only that, but she’s his mate and if she doesn’t reject him, he won’t be able to fulfill his purpose anymore. She is upsetting the balance of good and evil.” Kikia gives this grave news in a very light tone that makes her even creepier.



Iwas twenty miles away when I got the strange call from Felicity’s phone. Whoever the woman was, she was smart to call me. I’m not sure which of my sisters is at the house, but if I had to bet, I’d guess it’s Kikia.

The idea of what that particular sister might do or say sends shivers down my spine. She’s spoiled and loves mayhem. If there isn’t any to be had, she’ll create it.

I break a dozen human laws to get through New Jersey traffic and skid to a stop in front of Felicity’s house.

Running up the front lawn, I already hear my sister’s cackle. “He’ll destroy you the same way he destroys everything he touches.”

Once I’ve eased the screen door open, I can take in the situation.

Kikia is sprawled across the kitchen island, barely clothed, and oddly pleased with herself.

A tall woman with long dark curls has her back to me. I assume this is who called. She looks over her shoulder and her dark eyes widen as she moves to the side.

Felicity was hidden by her friend.

The friend reaches out and grabs Felicity’s arm to pull her toward the living room, leaving a clear path between me and my sister.

Felicity frowns, first at being moved, and then at me. “I think your family disapproves of our dating.”