Page 10 of Mantus

Gripping my hand tighter, he kisses my fingers. “I’m not either. I’m known in some circles as Belphegor, and I bring with me doubt and uncertainty.”

The first time I met him, I had a moment when I felt as if I wasn’t capable of managing him and the party. There was an instant when I considered letting him pass and going home. I had to shake it off then, and I do the same now. “I don’t know what to say. You need help. Is there someone I can call for you?”

Pure despair darkens his eyes. “I’m not ill, sweetheart. He lets go of me and stands. “Don’t freak out and don’t try to kill me with a kitchen knife.”

“What are you talking about?”

His face elongates and his tongue juts out like a snake. I swear it’s even forked. His arms disappear and he turns into a very large deadly looking snake in front of my eyes. His clothes lay in a heap on my kitchen floor. The snake looks me in the eyes and reveals fangs dripping with venom.

Terror tightens my chest and I clutch it while gasping for air. Just when the scream building inside me is about to burst free, Mantus is back, and the snake has vanished.

My head spins and I grip the edge of the countertop to keep from falling off the stool.

Warm and completely naked, Mantus wraps his arms around me. “Don’t pass out, sweetheart. I’ve got you. You’re safe.”

I press my cheek to his tattooed flesh and grip his waist. His scent is masculine and clean. “You were a snake. Is that some illusion?”

He lightly pets my hair. “No. I can become a cottonmouth. It’s part of being a demon.”

“I’m having some kind of delusional breakdown from stress.” I try to breathe, but it’s a struggle to find air. “You’re naked.”

Everything spins and goes black.

* * *

I wake up in my bed with Mantus hovering over me. His face is full of concern and he’s still naked. “There you are.”

“How long was I out?” I sit up, but the spinning room forces me back to the pillow.

“Just a few minutes. I hope you don’t mind me bringing you to bed.” He helps me sit and gives me a glass of water.

Handing him back the glass, I look into his bright blue eyes. “You’re a demon?”

The way he smiles sends lust to all my lady parts. “I am.”

“Do demons always date humans? Don’t you have lady demons to seduce?” I lean against the headboard and try not to notice how big he is or how huge his cock is or that he has a hard-on or that he’s in my bed with a hard-on.

“I don’t really date anyone. I seduce women when it’s convenient. Occasionally I’ll hook up with someone from my realm, but that’s not as much fun.” He shrugs. I must look as horrified as I feel. “You said you wanted the entire truth. I warned you that you wouldn’t like it.”

“So, you just want to have sex with me. That’s what this is all about. Why? You’re insanely good-looking. There are plenty of women who will have sex with you and won’t even ask your name. Why buy me dinner? Why call me and make it so hard to say no to you? Is it the chase? This is some kind of game you’re playing?” Tears clog my throat. I close my eyes to try to push them back, but they escape anyway. I was prepared for a lie or a story about how he adores me. I’m not at all ready to know about heaven and hell or that the man I’ve dreamed about in my bed is a demon who chases fallen angels.

He touches my cheek, and I open my eyes. With my tear on his thumb, he presses it to his lips. “For me?”

“I don’t know. Because this is impossible.” I cry into the crook of my elbow. “You don’t have to stay.”

The mattress shifts, Mantus wraps his arms around me, and pulls me onto his lap. Cradling me, he asks, “What if I want to stay?”

“I doubt there’s anything I can do to force you to do anything.” Despite my brain thinking it’s a bad idea, I relax against him and it feels wonderful.

“You only have to tell me to go, Felicity. I’m not here to force you into anything. I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anything, but I’d never hurt you.” He kisses the top of my head.

It’s impossible not to notice that I’m sitting on his enormous cock. “If I have sex with you, will you be satisfied? Will you leave me with a broken heart, thinking the universe is a mess?”

He gently lowers the zipper at the back of my gown and slides his warm hand along my bare back. “The universe is a mess, and I’m not to blame for that. Regardless of if you say yes or no, I’ll want more of you. If you’d let me hold you like this for a few hours, it’s already more than I deserve.”

My pussy is on fire, and I rock my hips. “I don’t know if I can sit like this with you naked and clearly aroused without needing more.”

There’s a long silence and I’m sure he’s about to bolt from my house and my life. He kisses the shell of my ear. “Tell me it’s okay to take this dress off you and kiss every inch of your soft skin.”