His brother used that day, and the threat of hurting others in the nest, to keep Eivross in line. But he was damn tired of it. Tired of worrying about making a misstep that might see someone else pay the price. Wondering every night as he went to sleep if it would be his last.
He rested his head back on the bed and closed his eyes.
He needed to make a decision and soon, or he was going to wither away into a husk and never be free.
* * *
The following morning, Eivross approached the throne room and heard his brother pacing inside and the soft murmurs of males speaking.
He walked into the room, his mind set to his purpose and his dragon ready to defend himself if the need arose.
Quickly cataloging the males in the room, he counted six, including Zihndyr. While Eivross had friends in the nest, he didn’t have a horde of males at his beck and call to take out those who came against him.
“What are you doing here?” Zihndyr asked. “I didn’t call for you.”
“I know. I want to leave the nest.”
Zihndyr looked up from the desk where he’d been staring at the map of the mountains once more and let out a soft warning growl. “Leave for a while, or leave forever?”
Steeling himself, Eivross said, “Forever. You once offered me exile when I told you I didn’t agree with your tactics in taking over the farm below the mountains from those humans. I didn’t take exile then…I want to take it now.”
“Oh?” He settled back in the chair looking very relaxed, but Eivross knew it was a show. His brother never relaxed.
“I’m not going to watch you destroy a nest to take a female, nor will I help you in any way.” In fact, Eivross had plans to go to the other nest and alert them of the coming war.
“Where will you go?” Zihndyr sneered.
With the Federal Shifter Alliance governing shifters in the States, Eivross would have to join up with a shifter group or start his own nest. He almost said he’d join up with Lindra’s nest and help defend them, but that was a sure way to meet his maker at the hands of his murderous brother.
“I’ll figure it out.”
“Fine. I’ll exile you tonight before dinner. Pack your things.”
Eivross spun and headed out of the throne room. He was surprised that his brother had agreed so easily, but he wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth.
He was nearly finished packing anyway. The moment he was exiled, he’d go to the other nest and tell them what was coming, and then he’d find a place to live, far from the mountains.
His brother could do all the damage he wanted, but Eivross wouldn’t be part of it. Not anymore.
Heading to his room on the second floor, he pondered the future.
So long as his treasure came with him, he didn’t really care about anything else, and the majority of his treasure was safe in a portable storage unit that he could have delivered wherever he set up his future home.
“You’re really leaving?” A soft voice reached his ears.
Eivross stopped and turned, smiling at Bennie, one of the elder females in the nest.
“You’ve got ears like a bat, Bennie,” he said with a smile.
“I can’t help it. So you’re getting out finally?”
“You should have left after your father died.”
“I should have done a lot of things.”
She pshawed. “You saved your life and all of ours. Your brother was in a rampage and you did what you had to so that you could mitigate the bloodshed. But I will miss you terribly.”