Page 9 of Ten of a Kind

“How long was I out for?”

“A couple of hours. When they brought you in, you were alert and cussing about the two drivers who were road-raging. We had to give you something to relax you. That’s why I’m surprised you don’t remember what happened.”

Shit. Kate must have fronted when the accident happened.

“Was anyone hurt?” I asked.

“Not seriously, believe it or not.”

“Here’s your water.” The nurse walked in and handed the cup with a straw to me.

“Thank you.” I took a sip. “Can I ask you something?”

“Of course.” He smiled.

“Do you know Dr. Charlotte Roman-Kind?”

“Yes. She’s my cousin’s wife.”

A tall and handsome man wearing blue scrubs walked into the room.

“How’s the patient?” He walked over to me and shined his penlight in my eyes.

“Ava, meet my cousin, Dr. Jackson Kind. He’s a neurosurgeon.”

“Another Dr. Kind?” I asked.

“There’s a lot of us.” Jackson smiled.

“Jackson is one of the owners of the Kind Medical Center,” Grayson spoke.

“Why do I need to see a neurosurgeon?” I asked.

“You don’t. Jackson was here at the hospital when they brought you in, so I had him come down to check you out just to make sure there wasn’t any type of head injury.” Grayson winked.

“It was nice to meet you, Ava.” Jackson extended his hand.

“You too, Dr. Kind.” I lightly shook his hand.

“I’ll see you later, cousin.” He turned and patted Grayson’s back before walking out of the room.

“When can I go home?” I stared at Grayson.

“In a couple of hours.”

“Why can’t I leave now? I feel fine.”

“I still want to observe you. Besides, my shift ends in a couple of hours, and I’m driving you home.”

“No, Grayson. I—”

“It’s not up for debate, Ava. You don’t have a car, and I know where you live.” The corners of his mouth curved upward. “I want to drive you home.”

“And what if I don’t want you to?”

“Why wouldn’t you? It’s only a ride, and I’m a nice guy.”

I could hear the chatter in my head and Freya telling me to let him drive us home.