Page 50 of Ten of a Kind

“She’s sleeping. I wanted to play with the kids. I haven’t played with kids in a long time. Seraphina tried to stop me, but I pushed my way through.”

“This is incredible,” Jackson said as he walked over and stood next to me.

“It’s okay.” Charlotte smiled. “You can play with the kids if you want to.”

“Is it okay, Grayson?” Luna squinted her eyes as she looked up at me.

“Yeah, Luna. It’s okay.” I softly smiled at her.

I grabbed a beer and took a seat as I watched her with Ella and the others. Lily ditched Logan and ran over there.

“You okay, bro.” Gabriel sat down next to me with his guitar.

“Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?”

“I’m just making sure.”

Ella walked over holding Ava/Luna’s hand.

“She saw the guitar and wants to sing,” Ella said to Gabriel.

“Okay. What do you want to sing, Luna?”

“Part of your world from the Little Mermaid.”

“Um, I’m afraid I don’t know how to play that song,” he said.

“My dad does. Dad!” Ella shouted across the boat.

Nathan walked over. “What is it, Ella?”

“Can you play Part of Your World on Gabriel’s guitar? Luna wants to sing it.”

“Sure. I can do that.” He smiled as Gabriel handed him his guitar, and Nathan sat down. “Are you ready, Luna?”

“I’m ready.” She smiled brightly.

My family gathered around as Nathan started strumming the song. From the first word she sang, I couldn’t believe my ears. I glanced over at Jenni, who stood there with tears streaming down her face. When she sang the last word, we all whistled and clapped. Her eyes closed, and I knew Ava was back when they reopened. She stood there with a look of panic on her face. I jumped up, grabbed her hand, and took her over to the railing.

“I tried to stop her, but she was too strong,” Ava spoke as tears filled her eyes.

“She has a beautiful voice, and I’m happy she wanted to share it with us.”

“Your family is amazing, Grayson, but I can only imagine what they think.”

“We don’t think anything.” Conner walked over and hooked his arm around her. “Well, we do think one thing, and that is you’re an amazing woman with many talents.” He smiled. “I don’t know if you know this, but back in college, I had a friend who had dissociative identity disorder. She had an alter that was a guy, and we became friends. I was also friends with her. She was beautiful inside and out and one of the friendliest people I knew. I say if the others want to come out, let them. We’d love to get to know them.”

“I second that.” Sam held up his beer bottle.

“So do we.” The rest of my family held up their drinks.

“We love you already,” Jenni said as she hugged Ava tightly.



“Thank you, Jenni. I really appreciate all of you welcoming me here today. I need to use the bathroom. I’ll be right back.” I placed my hand on Grayson’s arm.