Page 4 of Ten of a Kind

“Because she doesn’t feel.”

“I’ve read over your file multiple times, and you have made tremendous progress since you started seeing Dr. Lenox. You should be very proud of yourself.”

“I am. We all are. We’ve all made a lot of progress.”

Her timer went off, and she glanced at her watch. “Our time is up.” She stood from her chair. “I want to see you three times a week to start. I think that will help us get to know each other better.”

“I can do that, Charlotte.” A small smile crossed my lips.

“Before you go, I want to make sure you have my pager number. If something happens or you find yourself in a situation where you need me, call the number, and I will be paged immediately.”

“Thank you, Charlotte. I appreciate it.”



It was a quiet day in the ER, so I was lucky enough to leave on time when my shift ended. When I got home, I grabbed a beer from the refrigerator and went to see my brother.

“What’s up?” Gabriel smiled when I stepped through the sliding door. “Did you eat? I just picked up a pizza.” He held up the box.

“Thanks, bro.” I set my beer bottle on the table, walked over to the island, and grabbed a plate and two slices of pizza.

“Grab your beer, and let’s go eat on the patio,” Gabriel said as he walked over to the sliding door.

I followed him outside and took a seat in one of the loungers. Setting my beer on the table, I picked up a slice of pizza and bit into it.

“Sorry I couldn’t see you this morning when you came to my office,” Gabriel said.

“Nah, that’s okay. You were in with a patient.”

“What’s up, fam?” Christian smiled as he and Simon walked over.

“There’s pizza in the kitchen if you want,” Gabriel said.

“I grabbed something at the hospital,” Christian spoke.

“Grace and I just finished dinner.” Simon took his shirt off and jumped into the pool.

I looked over and saw Conner heading toward us with Isabella.

“Hey, bro.” Christian smiled as he held out his arms to hold the baby.

“You can have her in a while. I just got home and need my snuggly time with my daughter.”

“Wasn’t she with you all day at work?” Christian asked with irritation.

“Yeah. What’s your point, bro?” Conner stared at his brother.

Christian sighed as he tipped the beer bottle to his lips.

“Are you okay?” Conner asked me.

“Why are you asking him if he’s okay?” Simon asked as he stood in the pool.

“What’s going on?” Gabriel’s brows furrowed.

“You haven’t told them yet?” Conner asked.