Page 1 of Ten of a Kind




I lifted the sheet and stared at my naked body when I opened my eyes.

“Shit,” I said as I glanced at the other side of the bed, where it was evident someone had been.

The pillows were messed up, and the essence of a man’s cologne clung to the wrinkled sheets. Glancing at the nightstand, I saw an empty condom wrapper. Placing my hand over my eyes, I sighed. Throwing back the sheets, I climbed out of bed, slipped on my robe, and walked over to my desk to check the journal. Nothing. No entry from last night. The last thing I remembered was sitting at the bar having a drink before heading home.

“Dammit, Freya. What did you do? I know it was you!”

I searched my mind and couldn’t find her because she knew she’d broken one of our rules. Grabbing the condom wrapper from the nightstand, I tossed it into the trash can in the bathroom, where I saw the used condom. Opening the glass door, I started the shower, slipped off my robe, and stepped inside, letting the hot water stream down my body as I tried to relax.

After getting dressed, I grabbed my keys and headed to the hospital to visit Charles.

“Ava, sweetheart.” He smiled when I walked into his room.

“Hi, Charles.” I kissed his forehead and then sat down in the chair next to his bed. “How are you feeling today?”

“Pretty much the same. I’m happy you stopped by. There’s something I need to discuss with you.”

“What is it?” I placed my hand on his.

“There’s a therapist I want you to schedule an appointment with, and before you say a word, hear me out.”

“Okay. I’ll listen.”

“Her name is Dr. Charlotte Roman-Kind. She was one of my brightest students. She’s an exceptional therapist, and I think you’ll like her. I think you’ll all like her.”

“Then why didn’t you suggest her before instead of sending us to those other doctors?”

“Because your condition isn’t her area of specialty.”

“So, you’re sending us to someone who isn’t familiar with this?” My brows furrowed.

“She’ll become familiar, Ava. The one thing I highly respect about her is her ability to research. As I said, she was one of my brightest students. I took her under my wing and gave her complex cases—cases I never gave my other students. She was very ambitious and wanted to learn everything she could about the human brain.”

“Why is that?”

“She had her reasons, but it’s not my story to tell. She’s not only an exceptional therapist, but she’s also a caring, warm, and sweet woman. I’ve spoken with her and gave her your file. She’s agreed to take you on as a patient. This is new territory for her as well as for you. You need to give Dr. Kind a chance.”

“The others might not agree with you, Charles. I never even got to meet the other doctors you sent us to.”

“I know.” He patted my hand. “But I think this time, Freya will behave.”

“Speaking of Freya. I woke up this morning to the smell of a man’s cologne on my sheets and an empty condom wrapper on my nightstand.” I sighed heavily.

“What’s the last thing you remember?” he asked.

“I had just left a client’s house, and I stopped at a bar and grill down the road for a drink before heading home. The last thing I really remember was sitting on the bar stool having a drink.”

“Something or someone triggered her to front,” he said.

“I don’t know. But I’m pissed that she went into hiding.”

“Do the others know about this?” he asked.