I glanced down at the swallow of liquor left in my glass and drained the rest. I set the empty glass on the table and winked at him. “You’d be right about that.”

As I straightened, my eyes found Donovan’s again, and something about the way he looked at me told me he hadn’t said a word to his friends about the fact that we’d met before. That was confirmed as he held his hand out and said, “Donovan. But my friends call me Van.”

He’d mentioned that nickname before, but he didn’t look like a Van to me.

I took his hand, a slow smile curving my lips. That grip was as firm as I remembered. “Donovan. Aren’t you a pretty boy?”

His eyes flared at the name Anita had called him, and I heard a groan.

“I’m gonna need you to get a boyfriend stat, Van,” Travis grumbled. “I figured with West out of the picture I had a shot, but man, I should’ve put a bag over your damn head.”

If Donovan was bothered, he didn’t let on—he didn’t even spare the guy a look. He seemed as laser focused as I was, and hell if that didn’t make my cock happy.

“Ignore them. They’re just jealous because they’ve been fantasizing about you all week.”

“And you? Haveyoubeen fantasizing about me all week?”

Donovan’s eyes ran down over me. “Oh, I’ve done my part in adding to the number of views your video has had this week.”

“Jesus, you two,” East said. “Get a room, why don’t you.”

Not a bad idea. The last time I’d been in a room with Donovan, we’d nearly ended up in bed together. So if we could go back and re-enact that scene, but this time without a film crew I was more than happy to go to a room.

But I was under strict instructions to mingle tonight. To network and make connections. Plus, there was oneotherbig restriction I had to work with tonight, and that was going to make taking Donovan anywhere impossible.

That didn’t mean I couldn’t get up close anda lotmore personal with him, though.

“So what you’re saying is you ‘liked’ my video?”

“There isn’t a person in this room who hasn’t watched it and ‘liked’ it.”

I took a step toward him. “I was asking aboutyou. Specifically.”

Donovan licked his lips, and fuck me, that mouth… I wanted to taste it.

“I liked it so much I came…” he said. “Tonight.”

There was no hiding the reaction my dick had to that. But the good thing about this event was that everyone in this room wasn’t shy about the reasons they were here. And with my dick being the star attraction, why shouldn’t he stand up and get some attention?

Especially when that attention came from Donovan.

“Do you dance?” The question came from my right, and I looked at the guy with platinum-blond hair. Something about him reminded me a little of Donovan, but he was slighter in both height and frame. He gestured toward Donovan as he bit back a smile. “He loves to. I bet he wouldn’t say no if you asked him.”

“To any question,” someone muttered.

“Is that right?” I arched a brow at Donovan.

He stopped shooting the instigator a glare and shrugged. “Ask me and find out.”

Fuck, I wanted to get closer. To haul his body up against mine and let him feel exactly what he did to me when I looked at him.

I inclined my head toward the dance floor. “Come with me?”

“I thought you wanted to dance?” Those hazel eyes carried a wicked challenge I couldn’t resist.

“Well, maybe we could do that first.”

“Oh shiiit,” someone said as I held my hand out toward Donovan, and he took it.