“Ooh, you and your brain. I love it.” I’d have to remember to do that the next time we got East piss drunk. With the way he gave everyone so much shit, the guy was practically begging for all kinds of payback.
“Close for me,” the makeup artist said, and I shut both eyes, relaxed into the chair, and let him continue to paint my face the way the designer wanted.
The hustle and bustle of people in the tent was something that never failed to get me excited. Nothing ever went a hundred percent smoothly behind the scenes, and I could hear frantic voices every now and again, as well as the excited chatter of the other models. Somehow, it all came together on the runway, and having those eyes on me and getting to wear fabulous clothes was something I relished.
“You can open again.”
I looked up at the man staring down at me with intense concentration, and then he grabbed a tube of clear gloss and dabbed a bit on the center of my lips.
“All good.” He snapped his fingers at Kelly. “You. Sit.”
Kelly’s brows shot up when he realized the guy was talking to him. “Uh, no, I’m not in the show.”
“No?” The makeup artist’s gaze traveled over Kelly in a way I would’ve been jealous about if it wasn’t done with such an assessing eye. “Why are you here?”
“He’s with me,” I interjected. “Are we done here?”
“No. Marco will do hair.” Without another word, he moved down to the next model as another guy—apparently Marco—came to stand behind me. He didn’t waste time with pleasantries before getting started on my hair, but abruptness never bothered me. Everything needed to be done quickly, and I could still see a handful of models that needed to be made up.
“Is it always this rushed?” Kelly said, moving out of the way of those bustling around behind him. It was easy to understand why he’d been mistaken for a model—the guy was undeniably good looking. And tall. Built. Someone you couldn’t take your eyes off. I didn’t understand how it was possible he hadn’t made it in this industry when he was literal perfection, and that wasn’t me being biased.
“It is,” I told him as Marco ran a handful of mousse through my hair. “Wouldn’t be a show without the stress level up to a hundred. Fun, right?”
Kelly smirked as he met my eyes in the mirror. “I like watching you in your element.”
“Yeah? Well, I just like watching you.” My gaze traveled over the loose-fitting sienna button-up he’d paired with jeans that hugged him in all the right places, and even as hot as he looked, I couldn’t wait to strip him out of those clothes later. It didn’t matter that my ass could still feel the fullness of him from last night. He could stay inside me forever, break me in half, and I had a feeling I’d still be begging him for more.
I didn’t let the small pang of jealousy in the back of my mind, the knowledge that he wouldn’t be only mine for much longer, take root. I wasn’t thinking about that now.I was in full-on denial mode.
A tiny figure scurried into my line of vision, and it took me a second to realize it was my agent, Mira. I knew she’d be there today, since I wasn’t the only one of her clients walking the show, but I hadn’t seen her until now. “Donovan, daaahling,” she said before greeting me with a double air kiss.
I arched one of my heavily penciled brows. “Oh, I’m darling today? That’s suspicious.” I tapped my fingers along the armrest of the chair. “What do you want?”
“Just to make sure my favorite client is happy and healthy, of course.” Her voice was much higher than usual, and when she gave me a smile too big for her face, I snorted. Mira was a terrible liar, and she never buttered me up without a reason.
“All right, out with it, woman. What is it you need me to do?”
She shook her head, looking everywhere but at me. “Me? Need something? Absolutely not. I’m just here to check on— Oh, hello there. Who are you?” The surprise she faked at pretending to just notice Kelly behind me had me chuckling.
“You could just ask for an introduction, Mira,” I said. “Acting is not your forte.”
“Oh hush.” She waved me off as she moved over to Kelly, a mix of amusement and slight confusion marring his brow. “I’m Mira, this one’s agent.”
“Now I’m ‘this one.’ I can see myself dropping down the rungs of the ladder as we speak.” I let out an exaggerated sigh, not at all bothered that she’d taken notice of Kelly. Who wouldn’t? “Mira, this is my boyfriend, Kelly Sinclair. Kelly, meet ‘this one’s’ agent, Mira Coventry.”
“Boyfriend?” Surprise lit her features, but only for a moment. “Van neglected to mention he has a boyfriend. A very attractive one at that.”
Uh oh, she wants something…
“He likes to keep me all to himself.” Kelly shot me a wink before shaking Mira’s hand. He wasn’t lying about that, not after what I’d confessed last night.
“Understandable.” Mira nodded, and in the mirror I could see the way her eyes narrowed as she looked Kelly over. “Tell me, do you model?”
That question seemed to throw Kelly off guard, because he looked at me with uncertainty before answering Mira, “I used to.”
“So you’re comfortable in front of a camera?”
Kelly bit back a smirk. “I think I can handle it.”