“Such a beautiful face,” Kelly said as he blew a warm breath over my super-sensitive tip. “A stunning body.” His tongue flicked over my wet slit. “And your personality makes you even more gorgeous.”
He sucked on me in a way that had my toes curling, before he released me and gave me a devilish grin.
“Makes me want to drive you insane.” He shifted forward, rubbing the scruff of his cheek up the side of my erection until he nuzzled his nose in at the root of my dick.
I dug my fingers into his scalp as he inhaled, and I hated the fact we didn’t really have time for himtodrive me insane.
“Kelly…” I groaned, pulling his head back. “If you want to do this without an audience, you need to do it now.”
“This?” He smirked, and I thrust my hips forward, bumping the head of my cock against his lips.
When they parted and I slowly slid inside, I groaned again. “Yes, exactly this.”
Kelly’s cheeks hollowed out as he sucked me deep inside his warm, wet mouth, and I was seriously worried my two-second prediction might actually happen.
I slammed my eyes shut as the delicious sensation of Kelly’s tongue tangling around me zinged through my nerve endings, and I tried not to whimper too loud as he began to draw off me. But then he smoothed his other hand around to my bare ass cheek to control my movements. My eyes flew open, and I took in the myriad of images dancing all around us.
There was Kelly’s broad back, trim waist, and tight ass as he moved up on his knees to take me back inside his mouth. I had one hand in his hair, the other feeling myself up because I couldn’t stop myself, and I needed to do something with that hand.
The view to the side of me, in a mirror, was downright indecent: my fingers threaded through his tied-back hair, Kelly’s erection visible behind his jeans, and the erotic sight of my slick, wet cock sliding in and out of his wide-open mouth.
Fuck yes, that was goddamn delicious.
I pinched at my nipple, pushing my hips forward, and when I saw his fingers dig into my bare ass cheek, I had to bite down on my lip to stop the shout I wanted to let free.
God knew this would be over before either of us wanted it to be. The last thing I needed was one of my moronic friends to show up and the two of us to have to go home without ending this the way we both wanted.
A raspy growl emanated up from between my legs, and I reached for Kelly with both hands. The second my fingers touched his cheeks, a deep hum, almost like a purr, came from him—and Jesus, it was like I was petting some kind of wild animal. An animal set to devour me.
I took in a breath, trying to draw this out just a little bit longer, and aimed my eyes up at the ceiling, looking for a way to calm myself, not realizing the reflection that would be staring back at me.
Fuck.Nowthatwas hot.
My hands on either side of Kelly’s face as his head moved back and forth off my dick. Was there anything hotter than seeing yourself being worshiped by a man as raw and uninhibited as Kelly? I didn’t think so, and the sight had me shoving myself in deeper.
The groans and sucking sounds coming from him only added to the visual feast. My need for him was voracious as I watched every move and memorized every sound. Then he reached between my legs and cradled my tight balls. I began to move in time with him, using his mouth like it was made exactly for this. For me. For my pleasure. When he slipped a finger back between my cheeks to my hole, playing a little, I again cursed our time restraint.
“Kelly… Fuck. I’m so goddamn close.”
He said nothing, just looked up at me, his expression telling me he was ready for whatever, whenever.
I braced my feet, running my fingers up and down his rough cheeks, and promised myself that the next time we did this—and there would be a next time—I wanted to be lying on my back, in a bed, with his scruff marking up my inner thighs.
But for now, I was more than happy to take in the moment, revel in the sights, the scents, and every sensation as I—
I thrust my hips forward until the head of my dick hit the back of his throat as my climax hit like a fucking geyser, sending cum shooting down his throat, just like he’d asked.
Kelly swallowed everything I gave him before licking me clean and pulling my jeans back up. When he got to his feet, a wicked smirk curved his talented lips, and he winked.
“There, now at least one of us will be decent as we walk out of this place.”
THE SOFT SOUND of Donovan’s breathing woke me next morning. I stretched beneath the silk sheets where our legs were tangled, remembering the way we’d rolled around on them last night.