I wasn’t.

Thank fucking God.


Were you worried I’d say no?

If I say yes, will you think less of me?


Even if I thought less of you, there’d still be MORE of you than most men. I think you’re safe ;)

With comments like that, you’re not. Give me your email, I’ll send it over.

Seconds later, Donovan’s email address popped up, and I attached the sparse outline and sent it his way. A couple minutes passed, I took a few more bites of my dinner, then a message popped up.


I think I can work with that. I like the way Rafferty wrote an entire scene for me in my mask.

I told you, he wanted you back. How’s it feel knowing he wrote it just for you?


LOL. Idk, you seem to have a lot more direction than me, so it’s definitely about you—his star. I’m assuming it starts outside?

That’s right. Calloway Court. It’s gonna end outside too.


How risqué… I love it. Send me the time and directions and I’ll be there. Oh, and Kelly?

My dick jerked at my name typed out, remembering how it had sounded coming off his tongue.



Your cock is MINE too. So don’t touch it until I tell you so.

I looked down at my thick erection and cursed. It was like he’d read my mind. But if I was going to make him wait for me, the least I could do was wait for him.

Done. See you Thursday, Donovan.

I was about to put my phone down and finish off my dinner when a final text came through.


Yeah you will. ALL of me. Sleep well xx

I stared down at my meal and shook my head, then got to my feet to go and cover it. If I had any hope of enjoying the rest of that, then I needed to go and have a cold shower first.

Damn tease.

