“All I was getting at was that if I wereyou, I’d track him down and have him worry about your dick first. That guy is gonna be huge—I mean, he already is, if you know what I mean—but he clearly was into you, so why not take advantage?”

I mean, it wasn’t aterribleidea. “I don’t think so.”

“Why not?” West slung his towel around his neck. “We all know your preference, Van. Ifanyonewants—and can take—what that guy’s packing…”

I smothered my laugh with a cough and wiped my face with the towel. Partly to get rid of the sweat and partly to hide the fact that just thinking about what Kelly was packing sent my body into overdrive.

The guy made me feel insatiable.

West grinned in a way that told me he knew where my mind had just gone. But little did he know it had already been there, several times over.

“That’s right.” He nodded. “Get on that big thing before all the other bottoms do.”

“Jesus, West.” I looked around the gym, and the bastard started to laugh.

“What? Don’t tell me you aren’t thinking about it.”

“Well, I am now.”

“Exactly.” As we stepped off the treadmills, West slung an arm around my shoulders. “We only live once, and what better way to die than being split in half ‘sinning.’”

“Nice euphemism there.”

“I thought so.” We pushed out of the main gym area and walked to where the steam and sauna rooms were. “So, you gonna go sin?”

Was I?

I’d enjoyed it the first time around, and I liked Kelly as a person, so why shouldn’t I go back? It was just for fun, and if my face was still hidden, there was no reason not to…right?

“You’re thinking about it…”

Yes, yes I was. But again, there was no way in hell I was going to tell West about it.

If I was going to go and sin again, it was going to be between me and Kelly—and, well, the production crew of Xes Entertainment.

But West didn’t need to know that, and I could keep a secret.



THE TIMER ON the oven went off just as my stomach let out a loud grumble, signaling it was done waiting for me to fill it. Good thing, too—I was an absolute beast when I was hungry, and right now I felt close to starving. A solid 5K run through the city would do that to a person, but add in the weight reps and push-ups I’d done at the end and I was about to start chewing on the walls.

I turned off the alarm and headed into the kitchen, grabbing a packet of instant rice out of the pantry. Once it was in the microwave and doing its thing, I put on an oven mitt and pulled out the cast-iron pan. The tomato-basil sauce bubbled around the breast as the delicious aromas filled my tiny space. I slid it onto the stovetop then leaned down over the meal and inhaled the mouthwatering scents.

It smelled amazing. I’d had to leave out the garlic, of course—I didn’t want anything lingering for my next shoot—but the basil and crushed tomatoes and buttery, blistered grape ones made up my favorite chicken recipe.

It was healthy, too, which was kind of important considering my current line of work. When you were stripping down to your bare ass, it helped to look good for the cameras.

With my food ready to go, I grabbed a tray from the top of the fridge and headed into my living room, where I planted myself in front of the TV. I flicked through the channels, looking for something to watch, and finally settled on the latest episode ofThe Amazing Race.

It wasn’t my first choice, but considering my limited options, it would do. Also, I was too damn hungry to really care at this point. I got stuck into my meal, shoveling a forkful of chicken and rice into my mouth. As I piled it high for a second bite, an ad flashed across the screen that had the fork falling back to the plate with a clang.

There, walking across pristine white sands in a pair of low-slung designer jeans and a white shirt left open so it billowed in the breeze, was the beautiful man I hadn’t been able to stop thinking about for the past three days.

Donovan’s feet were bare and sinking down into the wet sand as the waves crashed into the shore. As he began to walk out into the cerulean-blue water, he magically took a step on top of the ocean and began to walk on water.

The music swelled as he slipped the shirt free, and as it blew out of frame, the camera zoomed in and he turned.