“Hell yeah, now that’s the reason I’m really here. I need aaall the dirty details.” He started toward my couch and called over his shoulder, “And thanks for the grub.”
“Yeah, yeah, you’re welcome.” I brought my drink with me as I followed Corey, stopping to kick off my shoes before planting my ass in the chair.
My living room consisted of only a single window and a few square feet, enough to put a small futon and a sling accent chair. I’d had to mount the TV, since there wasn’t enough space for an entertainment stand, but it wasn’t like I needed much. This place was far bigger than many of the studios my friends rented. Coming from an abundance of space back home to the reality of city living had been an adjustment for sure, but now it felt good. Cozy, but home.
Maybe that had more to do with living alone instead of sharing the space.
Corey sat cross-legged on the couch and turned toward me, already stuffing his face. “So? Give me the goods,” he said around a mouthful.
I hadn’t told a soul about the porn stuff and hadn’t planned to, but Corey had been here raiding my fridge when I got the phone call inviting me to meet up with the owners of Xes Entertainment, and his relentless line of questioning had worn me down.
Then again, maybe it was nice to have one person in my life I could talk to about it. A lot of my guy friends were straight and would probably never come across it, but if they did, it wasn’t like I’d be ashamed of it. What I’d done today had been so fucking hot I was wondering why I didn’t get into this sooner. Even if, in the back of my mind, I had a feeling that had more to do with Donovan after the non-reaction my dick had to my original scene partner.
Stretching out in the chair, I sipped on my drink and tried to keep my face schooled into indifference so Corey wouldn’t completely see through me. “It went…well. Better than I thought it would for my first time.”
“Yeah? So the guy was hot? Not one of those his-dick-is-huge-so-you-have-to-just-go-with-it porn guys?”
I sputtered out a laugh, knowing exactly what he was talking about. Lots of guys out there did this stuff because of one reason, not because they were the most physically attractive. But that didn’t apply to Donovan.
He also wasn’t technically a porn star. Although…maybe he was after today.The masked porn star.I ran my hand over my scruff in an effort to hide my grin.
“No, the guy was”—gorgeous, physically perfect in every way?—“the hottest guy I’ve ever seen.”
“No fucking way,” Corey said. “You’re not that lucky.”
“I was today.”
“Shit.” He took another bite of his toast and didn’t wait to swallow before saying, “I can’t wait to see that.”
“You’re not watching it.”
“Oh yes I am. You can’t stop me.”
“Did you forget you’ll see me naked? You’ll have nightmares.”
He shrugged. “I’m not watching for you. I’m watching for the hottest guy you’ve ever seen.”
“Then I hate to disappoint you, but his pretty face is all covered up.”
“You lie.”
“I’m not. He wore a mask the whole time.”
“What?” Corey set his half-eaten toast aside, giving me his full attention. “What kind of twisted asshole puts a mask on a hot guy?”
“Does it matter?”
“Hell yes, it matters. Masks should only be on the ugly ones.”
It was wrong, but I couldn’t help but chuckle at how put out he was. “It went along with the theme. It was a party scene.”
“Did you wear one?”
Corey’s eyes narrowed. “What’s his name?”
Oh shit. I didn’t actually knowwhatname would be listed in the credits for the scene. Donovan definitely wouldn’t use his real name, but I hadn’t thought to ask what he’d put down on his paperwork.