“Would you say yes?”

“That’s not an answer.”

Kelly leaned across the table and whispered over the top of my lips, “I’m asking. Will you come for round two?”

I nipped at his lower lip and grinned. “If you’re the one inside me, count on it.”



BY THE TIME I headed home, my body was feeling it. My adrenaline must’ve been riding me the whole time I’d spent with Donovan, because once I began the walk to my apartment, I thought my legs might give out on me. I’d definitely put them, and several other body parts, to very good use earlier, and those hot visuals of Donovan kept me walking. Luckily, it wasn’t far to my place in Murray Hill, so I had more than enough material to keep me occupied.

God. The sexy moans he’d made, and the way that perfect ass swallowed my cock… It was enough that he was so good looking that I could’ve gotten off to just his face, but he had to have a personality to match, didn’t he?

I didn’t even want to think about how much trouble I could fall into with that guy, not when I was starting out in a job that wasn’t exactly conducive to having any kind of dating life. Sure I’d somehow convinced Donovan to join me not just once, but twice, but it couldn’t go any further than that. I knew it, and I still didn’t give a fuck.

That was a problem.

Just not one I needed to think about now.

My thighs burned as I headed up the stairs to my fourth-floor walkup, a place I’d gotten lucky to find with my old roommate a couple of years ago. It was small, like everything in the city, but it had two separate bedrooms, both barely big enough for a bed that could fit my six-three frame, but I made it work. The price had been manageable too, at least until Sven decided to move back home a few months ago and I realized doing a bunch of side hustles weren’t going to pay the bills.

As I put my key in the lock, the knob turned too easily—which meant my apartment was already unlocked.

Sighing, I pushed open the door and hung my keys on a hook on the wall. “Corey, you here?”

A few seconds later, a head full of wavy auburn hair poked out from the entrance to my kitchen. “Damn, dude, I thought you’d be back hours ago.”

I blinked. “Tell me you haven’t been hanging out here for hours.”

“Here? Nah, you don’t have cable. I was just looking for the sauce you put on the stuff the other day. You remember?”

To anyone else, I was sure that sounded like a bunch of gibberish, but considering he’d been my intrusive neighbor for two years now, I’d learned how to speak fluent Corey.

I moved past him and opened one of the upper cabinets, reaching for what he wanted.

“See, that’s the problem. I’m not tall enough to reach that.” Corey’s face twisted into a frown. “Wait a second, is that why you put it up so high? So I couldn’t borrow it?”

Snorting, I handed him the jar of chili oil and then grabbed a clean glass for me. “Borrow?”

He rolled his eyes. “I’d return it.”

“Yeah, mostly empty.” I punched out a couple of ice cubes from the tray before popping it back in the freezer and pouring myself a Jack and Coke. “I’ve got exactly two cabinets to put shit in. Grab a chair next time.”

“You got it.” Corey stared down at the jar, his forehead still pinched. “And you just used it on the, uh…”

Shaking my head, I pulled out a small plate and reached for the remaining sourdough tied up on the counter. It was easier to do it myself than expect him to retain the few steps to make it, especially when a complicated meal to him was putting a frozen pizza in the oven. Then again, my taking over probably had a lot to do with why he insisted on raiding my kitchen all the time. That and free food.

The lone avocado left was well past its prime ripeness, but I figured that wouldn’t matter much to Corey. As I mashed it up and added a few spices, I said, “You know, I gave you that key in the first place for emergencies only.”

“I know, what do you think this is?”

“Food? Not an emergency. Locking myself out or my apartment on fire?Thoseare instances that require a spare key.”

“Friends don’t let friends go hungry,” he said, giving me a toothy grin I couldn’t help but laugh at. Along with the shirt he wore that said,Zombies eat brains. Don’t worry, you’re safe.

“You’re ridiculous,” I said. I spooned a little chili oil over the avocado toast and handed him the plate. “I’m already selling my ass for rent money, but yeah, why not add your groceries to the list.”