I sucked the sauce from his thumb, and his eyes widened slightly. As I lowered his hand and sat back, he cursed under his breath.
“Sorry,” I said, not apologetic in the least, not when he was looking at me like we weren’t sitting in the middle of a public park. “I couldn’t resist.”
“Don’t ever apologize for that. You can touch me anytime you want to.” He paused, blinking like he was clearing the haze from his eyes. “Shit, I forgot what we were talking about.”
“Just introducing ourselves.Kelly.”
“Fuck, I like that. Too much.” He shook his head again. “You’re distracting as hell, you know that? Here I am trying to get to know you, and all I can think about is your mouth.”
The smug smile that curved my lips then wasn’t something I could hide even if I wanted to. I’d never met someone so straightforward with how they felt or exactly what they were thinking, and it was such a turn-on.
Kelly cursed again and took a deep breath. “Tell me about you before I drag you across this table. Please.”
Wait, what if Iwantedthat? Regardless of all the action my cock had gotten earlier, it somehow was still up for more. But as I shifted in my seat, my tender ass reminded me that maybe that wasn’t the best idea right this second.
“Well, you know about what I do for a living, but I’m actually still in school.”
Kelly’s face paled a little, and I chuckled.
“Not high school, don’t worry. I’m a junior at Astor University, majoring in communications. I just turned twenty-one, and I share a place with my younger brother, Gavin, not too far from here.”
The color returned to Kelly’s cheeks, and I almost felt bad that I’d given the guy a panic attack.
“You okay over there?”
“Yeah, I’m just—” When he caught me biting back a laugh, his eyes narrowed. “Are you laughing at me?”
“No. I’m doing my bestnotto laugh at you. Here you were giving me hell about not asking your name, and maybe you should’ve asked my age.”
“You’re a smartass, you know that?”
“I’m also a tight ass, andyouknow that.” I waggled my brows.
He chuckled and picked up his napkin to wipe his mouth clean before tossing it on his empty plate.
“Speaking of your ass—”
“Were we?”
He shook his head. “Are you feeling okay? I wasn’t too, uh, rough on you, was I?”
Aw, he was worried about me. That was sweet. But really there was no need. “You were exactly the right amount of rough, trust me.”
“So you liked it, then?”
I pushed my empty plate back from the edge of the table and looked him over. “I liked it a little too much.”
“And that’s a problem?”
“It is for my ass.”
He barked with laughter.
“I’m serious—have youseenthe size of that thing you’re packing?”
“I have. So, what you’re saying is you might come back for round two?”
My dick perked up like it had been issued a formal invite. “Are you asking?”