“Something other than my cock. For now.”

I couldn’t help but smirk. “You asking me out?”

“I am.”

I’d been fully prepared to be the one suggesting we spend some more time together, but his waiting for me and making a move was doing serious things to my heartbeat.

“Then I guess I’m yours,” I said.

We quickly said our goodbyes to Anita and Rafferty and headed downstairs to the bustle of Midtown. As soon as the smell of food from all the different restaurants nearby filled my nose, my stomach let out a loud growl, enough that Sin heard it and chuckled.

“Any preference, or just wherever we can get you fed the fastest?” he said.

“The latter. Definitely.” I looked across the street and nodded at the park. “There’s a few good spots there.”

“Works for me. I’d race you, but I have a feeling moving slow might be in your best interest.”

I chuckled as we crossed the street—slower than I normally would. “I’d say it’s all your fault, but I’m not complaining.”

“Yeah?” His grin kicked up, and his lips were pinker than usual and still a little swollen. Under the harsh afternoon sun, I could see all the different colors of the scruff lining his jaw. All shades of blond, from very pale to dark, along with a little brown here and there. I didn’t know why I found it so hot, but so far there wasn’t anything I’d seen of him that I didn’t find attractive.

With the ache in my body practically begging for a rest, we headed to the first place we saw, Bryant Park Café, a little outdoor spot with a few available tables. We grabbed one under an umbrella and placed our orders, and I shifted carefully in the chair.

“Pleased with yourself?” I asked, catching his smirk.

“Yeah, I am. I kinda like the idea of you sitting there thinking of me inside you every time you move.”

My lips twitched as I gingerly leaned back in the seat. “I don’t have to move to think of that.”


“Definitely not. I have a feeling I’ll be thinking about you and today well into my golden years.”

Sin laughed. “I’m going to take that as a compliment.”

“As well you should, because…wow.” I sighed and let my eyes travel over the man I’d just spent several of my most intense and strangely intimate hours with.“So is this something you, um…” I paused, trying to think how to best phrase what I wanted say, but when nothing polite sprang to mind, I just blurted it out. “Rehearsed? Or is this a God-given talent of yours?”

For a second there I thought Sin might be offended. But I had no need to worry, as he stroked his jaw and ran his eyes over me. I swear I felt them touch every spot they lingered.

“Fucking? Or fucking on camera?”

My eyes shifted to the table beside us, and for the first time maybe ever, I was extremely conscious of the people surrounding us. Usually, I didn’t give a flying fuck about what others thought of me.Usuallybecause I wasn’t the one doing the most outrageous thing when I was with my group of friends. But with Sin practically announcing we’d just made a porn video, I found myself checking to see if anyone had heard.

When no one seemed to care or look our way, I turned back. “Isn’t it one and the same?” I asked, as a waitress approached us with our drinks on a tray.

“I wouldn’t know. Today was my first time. Just like you.”

I waited as the waitress placed our drinks down and then left, before narrowing my eyes on Sin.

“When you say your first time, do you really mean that? Because you’re pretty...convincing.”

“Thanks. And yes. First time.”

“Like first time working with Rafferty? Or your first time—”

“Working that way with anyone.”

I couldn’t hide my pleasure at hearing that.