My breathing accelerated as he drew his thumb down to my mouth and pressed on my lower lip. I opened for him, more than aware that this was only one of the many places I wanted him to fill tonight, and Sin chuckled.
“Bet I know where your mind just went.”
I had no doubt my need for him was written all over my damn face.
But just as I was about to answer, he slipped his thumb inside my mouth and said, “Suck.”
Fuck. Me.
No, really, please fuck me,I wanted to beg. But my lips were now sealed around Sin’s thumb, and I sucked it in a way that I hoped would convince him to replace it with his cock. A low growl—the same one I’d been playing on repeat since last night—rumbled out of Sin, and what that sound did to me should be illegal.
A hot rush of desire washed through me as I gripped his lapel, and Sin pulled his thumb free and dragged it down over my lip.
“So damn sexy,” he muttered. “This mouth… It makes me want to do things to it.”
Andhismouth made me want to let him.
I figured he’d be good at the physical side of things, considering he was being touted as the next big thing. But I never would have imagined this sex-talking side of him.
No one tuned into porn for the scintillating conversation. But if Sin wanted to keep up with the dirty talk, me and my cock were more than okay with that.
“What kinds of things?”
Sin drew my hand down his body to his thick cock, and then he wrapped my fingers around it and thrust his hips forward.
“Destroy it with this.”
Fuuuck, I was done for. Where the hell did I sign to make that happen right then without dragging this on like I knew I needed to?
I gave him a long stroke, from root to tip, through his pants. “You think this is what I want?”
His hand over mine tightened as he leaned in, his breath on my lips. “I know it is. Unless you tell me I’m wrong.”
Play hard to get, play hard to get—
But the second he started to move back, I gripped his lapel tighter, yanking him toward me and catching him off guard. His lips crashed down on mine, and oh God, it was just as hot as I remembered. In that moment, the reality of where we were disappeared completely. Everything about him overwhelmed me in the best way. The slide of his tongue against mine. The hard muscle of his chest under one hand as his cock throbbed against the other. The intoxicating scent of his cologne. All of that combined with the unadulterated lust pouring off him and into me, making me desperate for him in a way I wasn’t used to.
I always had the upper hand, but for once I was fine with letting someone else take the lead.
No, notsomeoneelse. Sin.
He angled his head, sucking on my tongue and swallowing my moan. If my dick wasn’t so hard to the point of torture, I would’ve let him kiss me for hours. But the lust was riding him as hard as it was for me, and when he tore his mouth away, he growled, “That’s what I fucking thought.”
And then he moved his hands to the waist of my pants and ripped them open.
The button went flying, and I sucked in a breath as he reached inside my briefs and took hold of my cock.
A curse escaped me as he stroked, his touch rough, just the way I wanted it right then. I thrust into his grasp and took his mouth again, tugging his lower lip in between my teeth. The sound he made was dangerous, sending another shot of lust through me, and I reached for the button of his pants, making quick work of it and the zipper. I wanted him naked, wanted to see all that tanned skin on display. Undressing Sin would be like unwrapping a present, one I’d get to play with in any way I wanted.
But just as I started to pull at his jacket, Sin moved, catching my wrists and pushing them up against the wall by my head. He rolled his hips over mine, achingly slow, letting me feel how hard he was.
“You wanted me to catch you,” he said by my ear. “And I did. Now you’re mine to do with what I please.”
Truth be told, I’d been his from the moment I’d walked into that warehouse by mistake and seen him standing in a robe.
Sin’s hair and beard tickled my skin as he moved his lips down my throat to the crook of my neck, and when he dragged his tongue back up to nip at my lobe, I bucked forward, shoving my erection up against his.
“Please,” I begged, because at this stage I was past caring that I might sound desperate. Iwasdesperate and needed some kind of relief, some kind of action, to move this forward before I ruined everything and came in my fucking pants.