I swirled the contents of my glass, not daring to take a sip, since I didn’t know what was actually in it, and it was then that the couple in front of me moved and Sin’s broad shoulders came into view. Like he could feel my stare, he turned around, and eyes the color of the drink in my hand met mine. Even from across the room I felt the intensity, like a hunter was trapping me in his sights.

If this had been real life, I would’ve been powerless not to go to him, but luckily the reminder of why we were here registered in my brain. I had to tease him a little, let him chase me.

But not before running my eyes over every inch of his body to take a mental picture—and show my character’s interest.

As if the bulge in my pants wasn’t obvious enough.

Sin’s eyes narrowed as he started forward, and I licked my lips as the chase began. A shiver of anticipation rolled through me as I set my drink aside and began to move through the room. Rafferty had given instructions on where and how, but I couldn’t remember a damn thing with how singularly focused I was on the man following me.

I glanced over my shoulder, tracking his movements and smiling to myself as he ignored the others trying to get his attention. It reminded me so much of last night that it no longer felt as if we were pretending.

The room I stepped into was empty, designed like a study, with several options for getting down to it. The desk, perhaps? The velvet chaise longue? Maybe the bookcase? Hell, I’d even be fine with the damn floor at this point.

As I waited for Sin to search me out, I leaned back against the wall and shoved my hands in my pockets. The pose said,I’m here, take what you want,and Sin’s words from before crossed my mind.

“You just stand there and look fucking gorgeous. I’ll handle things from here.”

Yeah, I was more than ready to see how Sin handled me and the surprise I had in store for him.

The thumping music for the party scene kept time with my pulse as I stared at the door, willing it to open, the anticipation building with every second that passed.





The knob turned and Sin stepped inside, his tall stature and built frame filling the doorway, and my dick stiffened at the sight.

Far away, Sin captured your attention in the way something intriguing and beautiful might. Up close, he made your breath catch. He made you realize that what was so intriguing about him was the dangerous air that surrounded him, the power his body exuded and how he might use it against you, and my happy cock was standing up tall, volunteering for the job.

A sly smile curled Sin’s lips as he walked inside and kicked the door closed behind him. As it slammed shut, I pushed off the wall and stood tall, meeting him head-on, my intentions clear. I was no wilting wallflower.I’d come here with one thing on my mind, and Sin was going to give it to me.

“Running away so soon?” he said in a voice that made me want to touch myself.

But I kept my hands firmly in my pockets,awayfrom temptation. “If I was, I didn’t do a very good job, did I?”

Sin looked around the empty space before bringing his attention back to me, then he took a step forward. “I don’t know about that. I think you led me exactly where you wanted me to go.”

It took everything in me to stand my ground, to try to remember my role. But with Sin so close, it was a miracle I didn’t just throw myself on his mercy.

“I didn’t lead you anywhere. I needed some air.” I glanced to the makeshift window of the “study.” “It’s not my fault you took that as an invitation.”

He reached for my wrist, and I turned back as Sin pulled me in to him. I placed a palm on his strong chest, bracing myself as I looked up at him, and a wicked gleam glinted in his eyes.

“So you didn’t want me to follow you?”

Sweet Jesus, whowouldn’twant him to follow them? But I was all about a good tease, and I couldn’t make things too easy on him.

“I said it wasn’t aninvitation.” I slicked the tip of my tongue over my lower lip, and the fingers around my wrist tightened. “I’d never be so obvious.”

Lies. Lies. All damn lies.

I’d been pretty obvious about what I’d wanted last night, and there was only one reason I was here right now. Hell, I was Captain Obvious.

“Ah, I see.” Sin brought his other hand up to cradle my face, and a shiver raced down my spine. “You like to keep things a little bit…mysterious?”