“Then by all means, feel free to shred.” Rafferty snapped his fingers, and one of his assistants came running with the storyboard. “Anita, pretty boy. Get over here.”

As they headed our way, I could see the curious expression on Donovan’s face as he took in the set. Last time things had been simple. A bed in a warehouse, right to the point. This time, however, the room looked like a party, with extras waiting off to the side and almost the entire space being used. There wasn’t a bed in sight, but that was one of the many things Rafferty pointed out as he showed off his board.

“The scene starts and you see each other from across the room,” he said, gesturing exaggeratedly. “Since pretty boy here will be in a mask, Sin, you’ll be curious to follow him as he moves through the party to somewhere a little more private.”

This was sounding awfully familiar.

“No one’s around, but there’s a tension as you lead him through the study.” Rafferty’s overdramatic tone had me biting the inside of my cheek. “But that’s not where the chase ends. You step outside, to the twinkling lights of the garden…”

I glanced over at the trellis and the fake shrubbery and tried to imagine whether anyone would buy that we were outside. Not that anyone would care.

“Here, you’ll see a plethora of opportunities. The stone bench… The stone pillar… Which will you use?Thatis the question only you two can answer.” Rafferty waggled his brows before clasping his hands together. “I, for one, am excited.”

“That makes two of us,” I said.

“Three.” Donovan shoved his hands in his pockets, and the seductive smile he gave me shot straight to my dick.

“Okay then, let’s not waste any more time. I believe in striking while the iron is hot, and you two are…definitely hot.” Rafferty turned to the crowd waiting in the main “room” of the party and clapped his hands together. “Places, everyone, places!”

As everyone moved into position, Anita came over to Donovan with his mask. It was a beautiful gold Venetian type, with lace and beading that would twinkle under the light. It was opulent, luxurious, and would match perfectly with the highlights in his blond hair.

I walked over and gestured to the mask. “May I?”

She shrugged and handed it over, and Donovan’s eyes fell to it. I walked behind him and placed the disguise gently over his face, and as I tied it, I leaned down and whispered in his ear, “You just stand there and look fucking gorgeous. I’ll handle things from here.”

Rafferty looked to us then and gestured toward the crowd.

I took Donovan’s hand and led him into the cast of extras where he would begin the scene, then brushed my thumb over the back of his hand and let it go.

“See you soon,” I said, then moved to my position across the room.



HOLY SHIT, I was doing this.

A million different thoughts ran through my brain as I stood among the mix of men and women pretending to be partygoers. First, that I had actually consented to take part in a porn film, which, let’s be honest, was up there with any guy’s fantasies. Who wouldn’t want to get paid to fuck hot guys for a living and know people would watch and get off to it? Especially when that guy looked like Sin? Hell, after watching us at the party, my friends were so jealous they’d been green when I made my way back to the VIP last night. If they knew where I was at now, they’d be pissed they hadn’t been invited to watch—or participate.

But I didn’t plan to tell them, or anyone. There was a reason I was wearing a mask, and even though most of it was because of my career, another small part of me wanted to keep this time with Sin all for myself. Crazy, considering we were about to do something others would watch.

How had I ended up here?

When my eyes fell on Sin as he moved across the room, I knew exactly how.


“All right, here we go. Positions,” Rafferty called out.

I did one final adjustment of my mask and wiped the sweat beading on my brow. The heat from the heavy lights penetrated my suit, and I was grateful it’d be coming off soon.


My pulse skyrocketed. I had to stop myself from adjusting my dick behind the fit of my suit, because it didn’t matter if the camera picked up my growing erection. Knowing Sin was only a few minutes away from touching me had me ready to go, but first I needed to mix and mingle and play the part I’d been instructed to.

None of the others wore a mask, and they didn’t hide their perusal of me as I moved through the room. It only felt right that I returned those looks, even though I never stopped or took advantage of what I knew they were willing to offer. How could I when something better was coming my way?

I grabbed a glass of amber-colored liquid from the makeshift bar, keeping it in my hand as I rested my elbow on top and scanned the crowd. Even with the amount of people in the room, it felt surprisingly natural to flip my mindset, pretending I was back at the club waiting for a glimpse of the man of the night. It wasn’t nerves that had had me feeling so high strung as I waited then, and it wasn’t now. More like the thrill of anticipation—only this time there was a guarantee I’d walk out having gotten exactly what I wanted.