“Yep, sure is. No blowing my load twenty-four hours before.”
“What kind of bullshit is that?”
He lifted a shoulder, brushing his thumb over my lower lip. “Apparently these are long days that require a few takes.”
“I have a feeling you’ve got the stamina to follow through with tonightandtomorrow,” I said, pushing my still-erect cock against his. “They don’t have to know.”
A grin tugged at his lips. “You’re a bad influence.”
“I’ve been called that a time or two.”
I could see the war in his eyes, the struggle between what he wanted to do and what he knew he needed to. I didn’t give a fuck about rules or what was right; all I cared about was making the man I’d been fantasizing about for a week mine, at least for tonight.
“Wait a minute,” I said, stilling his hand as an unwanted thought occurred to me. It was stupid, considering what his job was, but I found myself saying it anyway. “Since your shoot’s tomorrow, I guess that means they found a replacement.”
Sin’s brows lifted. “A replacement for…?”
“For me.”
He bit back a smile as he dropped his hand from my neck. “Because you were supposed to be there in the first place?”
“Well, no…”
“Feeling jealous?”
My first instinct was to deny it, but just the thought of someone else touching him tomorrow had me irrationally annoyed. “Wouldn’t you be?”
“Yes,” he said without hesitation. He moved his hands to either side of my head again and leaned in close so that his breath was a whisper against my lips. “But if you want to take that spot, I could make it happen.”
Take that spot? He wasn’t talking about— Oh.
“Perform with you?” I shook my head. “I don’t think so.”
“No? Because you don’t want to or you don’t want to be recognized?”
I considered his question. If I didn’t give a shit about my career or what anyone else thought of my choices, would I do it? I mean, I wasn’t exactly shy about sex, even with others watching. It was all hot to me, so yeah, if it weren’t for my modeling career, I’d give anything a go at least once.
“That’s almost an offer I can’t refuse,” I said.
“Then don’t.” Sin rubbed his palm against my dick again, the damn tease. “If I could promise your face would be hidden, would you come?”
I would come in about two seconds if he’d unzip my fucking pantsnow, but no. He wanted to torment me, get me riled up and craving him to the point where I would be willing to do anything he wanted me to.
“Sin…” I said, feeling my resolve slipping.
“That’s not a no…”
It wasn’t. But somehow,thatword just wouldn’t come out of my mouth.
I couldn’t do this.
Ishouldn’tdo this.
But when he released me and straightened, I heard myself say, “Where and what time?”