As he disappeared up the hall, I turned back to Kelly, whose mouth was hanging open.
“Your brother hates me so much he’s willing to live withDaire.”
A burst of laughter escaped me as I wrapped my arms around his neck.“I don’t think it’syouhe has a problem with. He’s always been shyer and more reserved than me, so it wasn’t a problem for me that he had Joey. But I’m not like that. I like to show affection and touch you wherever and whenever I want.”
“No…” Kelly chuckled, winding his arms around my waist. “I hadn’t noticed that about you.”
“So was I right?”
“The reason you haven’t said yes to moving in is because of Gavin.” He grimaced, and I let out a groan. “Seriously?”
“Can you blame me? I could tell he wasn’t thrilled whenever I stayed over, so I knew he’d freak out at the idea of my moving in.”
“And you didn’t think to maybe mention that? I thought you didn’twantto live with me.”
Kelly smoothed his hands down to my ass and gave it a firm squeeze. “Now what would give you that idea?”
“Um, maybe the fact you kept saying no every time I asked?”
“Well, now I’m saying yes.” Kelly hiked me up his body, and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he crossed the living room. All thoughts of Gavin and Daire were far,farfrom my mind as he headed up the hall to my—soon to beour—bedroom and kicked the door shut. “And in a few minutes,you’regoing to be screaming it.”