I sighed, my dick instantly deflating as I sat up and pulled my jeans back over my ass. “Corey, this is Donovan. Donovan, this is my neighbor Corey, who has no sense of personal space and steals all my food.”

Before Donovan could say anything, Corey walked over, wiping his hand on his pants before holding it out to shake.

Donovan glanced at me and then down at his exposed boxer briefs, and all I could do was shrug.

As Donovan shook his hand and tried covering his erection with a pillow, Corey gave him a crooked grin. “You don’t have to worry about that. I already know who you are. Great scenes, dude. I especially like the whole burglar thing—”

“Because it’s familiar ground for you?” I said. “Seriously, can’t you see we’re a little busy?”

“I thought you heard me.” Corey shrugged. “And I wouldn’t saylittleabout either of you. I saw the—”

“Okay, time to go.” I got to my feet, zipping my jeans, and then pushed Corey toward the door.

“Wait, I didn’t get the cereal—”

“Too bad. Get creative with what you’ve got.” I opened the door and forced him through it. “Or better yet, try delivery. It’s New York—you can get anything.”

Unfazed, Corey stared past me at Donovan and waved. “It was nice to meet you—”

I shut the door in his face then locked it, and as I hauled the entry table in front of it for good measure, Corey called out, “Did you want your milk back?”

“Good night, Corey.”

The look of amusement on Donovan’s face was priceless as I headed back to the couch. The hot moment was snuffed out for now.

“Who’s got the revolving door now?” he said, grinning.

“Ugh, sorry about that. I told him earlier I had company tonight, but obviously he knows no boundaries.”

“I’m familiar with that.” Donovan nodded. “But I don’t give my friends a key.”

I gave him a droll look as I planted my ass on the couch and reached for my drink. “Trust me, I’ve learned from by mistake.”

Donovan tapped his lips, humming as he scanned my apartment. The wheels in his head were obviously turning.

“Do I want to know what you’re thinking?”

“Several things,” he said, scooting in closer. “First, that we’ve gotta get you out of this place and away from crazy neighbors, stat. And second…” He pressed a soft kiss to my lips. “A model needs more closet space than you have here.”

“Oh yeah? You trying to get me to move already?”

Donovan smirked, twirling a finger around a long strand. “I mean, you do have a pretty big check coming in. Then again, my closet’s big enough for the both of us.”

I chuckled, shaking my head. “I can’t just move in with you.”

“Why not?”

“Because you might get sick of me in a week, and they’ll rent this place out from under me in two seconds.”

“Sooo, if I’m not sick of you in a week, you’ll move in?”

Groaning, I scooted to the edge of the couch and uncovered the plates I’d prepared for us. “I think the hunger is making you delusional. We should eat before Corey comes back and steals this too.”

“Fine, but don’t think this conversation is over.” Donovan placed the napkin in his lap—a comical sight, considering he still wore just his boxer briefs—and as he picked up his fork, he added, “Maybe I’ll bust out the handcuffs frommycollection next time you’re over, and keep you.”

