I love you too.

I was glad I was by myself then, because I knew my smile was probably the sappiest thing any of my friends would ever see. But I couldn’t help it. My heart felt close to bursting, and if that made me a lovesick fool, then that’s what I was.

As the van pulled up to the curb, Kelly strolled out of his building. He had his hair up today, his sunglasses on, and in a pair of boots, jeans, and a casual burgundy button-up, he looked relaxed—and so damn sexy that my breath caught in the back of my throat.

Scotty went to climb out and open the door, but I told him I had it, and pulled it open myself.

“Damn, you look good. You got a hot date tonight or something?”

A smug smile curved Kelly’s mouth as he looked me over, and he nodded. “I sure do.”

I grinned as he stepped up into the van and slid the door shut, then I leaned over and kissed him. “Mmm, I’ve waited all day to do that.”

Kelly hummed and brought a hand up to cup my face. “Me too. I thought you were texting to cancel dinner, and I started coming up with all these ridiculous reasons why you couldn’t.”

“Oh yeah?” I moved back to my seat and took his hand in mine, craving that connection. “Like what?”

“Like I accidentally packed your toothbrush and needed to give it back? Or I started making a green juice and I wasn’t sure it was supposed to taste that disgusting?”

I snorted at his ridiculousness as he brought my hand up to his lips.

“Or…I’d been away from you for over twenty-four hours and if I didn’t see you again soon, I just might go crazy.”

I smiled as Scotty pulled away from the curb. “That one doesn’t sound ridiculous at all.”

We sat like that, hand in hand, the entire way to Mira’s. The only time Kelly let me go was when he opened the door to the agency’s building.

“What floor is she on?” he asked as we stepped into the elevator.

“The fifteenth.”

He hit the button, and seconds later we stepped out on my agency’s floor, where Sadie—the receptionist—smiled and gestured to the double doors behind her.

“Hey, Van. You can go right in. She’s waiting for you.”

Kelly’s eyes widened, and I knew what he was thinking. Not only did Sadie know who I was by sight, but there was also no waiting around. That was pretty normal, though, considering I was one of Mira’s top clients.

“Thanks,” I said as I pushed through the double doors and led Kelly down a hallway full of glass offices with marble floors. They kind of reminded me of fishbowls.

“This place isn’t intimidating at all,” Kelly whispered by my ear.

“Don’t be. Right now”—I looked around at each desk we walked by and saw everyone staring at the gorgeous man towering behind me—“everyone in here is trying to work out who you are and how they can be the ones to sign you.”

Kelly scoffed. “Yeah, until they find out what I do for a living.”

“Not necessarily.” Half of these agents wouldn’t care. Unlike Mira, they wouldn’t be so worried about that little factor, and might even use it to their advantage. But before I had a chance to tell him that, Mira stepped out of her fishbowl and eyed the two of us like she was a disappointed mother.

“In here, now.”

She didn’t bother waiting for us, merely turned and headed back to her desk. I pulled open the door for Kelly and followed after him.

We sat in the chairs facing her and the iconic view of the Empire State Building, and seemed to come to the unanimous decision that she should speak first.

Mira looked between us, a frown pulling between her perfectly shaped brows, as she took in a deep breath and let it out.

“I see you’ve both managed to keep your clothes on today, and for that, I thank you.”

“Really, Mira?”