Donovan pulled my head down and took my lips in a kiss full of heat that made me wish we were the only two here right now. But just as his tongue began to flirt with mine, loud voices started up in the living room, and we pulled apart and looked toward the door.
“What the—?” Donovan let go of me and headed for the door, and I followed him out of the bedroom.
“Get out of my way.” The furious female voice boomed up the hallway right before Donovan’s agent shoved West out of her way and locked eyes on whom she was clearly looking for.
“You.” She pointed a finger at Donovan, who took a step back, making me stumble. Not that I blamed him. That homicidal feeling I’d had earlier? Yeah, it was now flashing in her eyes as she stormed down the hall toward us. “Do you want explain to me why I was privy to a photo of yourasswhile I was pouring a glass of wine tonight and settling in to read about what gossip was spread through the city while I was out of town this weekend?”
“Yes?” She glared up at him, her eyes turning—I swear—blood red. “I’mwaiting.”
“An, um, ex of mine found out I was dating Kelly—”
“Oh yes.” She aimed those lasers my way, and my dick shriveled up inside me. “Kelly—what a convenient way to keep your secrets. Hiding behind a stage name.”
“He wasn’t hiding,” Donovan said.
“No,youwere hiding him. Kelly ‘Sin’ Sinclair.” She rolled her eyes. “I’d be impressed if youweren’ta porn star.”
“Mira.” Donovan took a step forward, and I reached for his arm, sensing that same protective urge I’d had earlier from him.
“Donovan, it’s okay.”
“Like hell it is,” he said, his eyes locked with Mira’s. “Look, I know you’re upset right now, and you have every right to be.”
“You think?” She cocked her head, and her eyes darted between the two of us. “If it was just him, I wouldn’t give a shit. But you didn’t think to maybe mention that you’ve been moonlighting as a porn star for the last however many months?”
“I didthreemovies, all with Kelly.”
“Oh, well, that makes it okay, then.”
“I didn’t think it would matter. I wore a mask each time, and no one would’ve known if—”
“You’d kept your pants on in the first place,” she pointed out.
“Aw, it’s not his fault he was born with the symbol of love on his ass,” West called out from the couch. “Don’t ask him to deny who he is.”
Mira’s jaw bunched as she did her level best not to turn around and rip West a new one. Donovan gently squeezed my hand, and I let go of him so he could approach her.
“I’m sorry, okay? I know this isn’t ideal, but I’ve got Harry working on—”
“Notideal?” Mira scrubbed her hands over her face. “I don’t think you understand the gravity of what you’ve done here, Van. Of what something like this could do to your career.”
“Come on, Mira. Don’t you think you’re being a little dramatic?”
“No, I don’t. You work with some of the top luxury brands and fashion labels in the world. It is an honor and a privilege. The last thing they want is a scandal surrounding their name.”
“Whatever happened to ‘any press is good press’?”
“It doesn’t exist when it comes to youcoming.”
“Whatever.” Donovan’s shoulders stiffened, and I couldn’t stop myself from moving in behind him and squeezing one of them, letting him know I was there. “I don’t care what happens. I fell for a guy—so fucking sue me. It’s your fault for giving me dodgy directions to that watch shoot anyway.”
“So now I’m to blame for you—”
“Meeting the sexiest, most amazing man I’ve ever known? Yes. Yours and fate’s. And I’ll be damned if you’re going to stand here and make me feel bad about myself.”