“Careful, Mr. Perfect.” West wagged a finger. “You never know when you might need a little cleaning up yourself. Especially if you’re going into politics.”
I was about to agree when my front door opened again. But this time the person walking in had me on my feet and all but running over to greet him.
Looking as good as when I’d left him earlier, Kelly still wore his jeans, shirt, and jacket, and I couldn’t wait to get my hands on him again.
“Hi.” I wound my arms around his neck, and Kelly dropped his overnight bag to pull me into his embrace.
“Hi right back,” he said, then lowered his head and took my lips in a kiss I felt all the way to my toes. The touch of his mouth against mine felt like home.
“I missed you.”
Kelly smoothed his hand down my back as he nipped at my lower lip. “Good, ’cause I missed you too.”
My stomach flipped as I reached for his hand and led him into the living room.
“I swear, every time I come to your place there’s people everywhere,” he said.
I laughed and looked around the room to where West and Preston sat on the couch and Harry tapped away on his computer in the kitchen.“Oh, you missed most of them. They came and I threw them out.Thisis the cleanup crew.”
Not wanting to bother Harry, I led Kelly over to the couch opposite my friends.
“Hey, guys,” he said, smiling at the two of them as though he’d known them for years instead of weeks.
“Hi.” Preston waved as West looked between the two of us, his eyes landing on our hands where they were laced together.
“Hey,” he finally said, a smug grin stretching his lips. “You two have a good weekend away?”
“Yeah, we did,” Kelly said, turning in my direction, and I didn’t know why but my cheeks suddenly felt…hot. “It was perfect.”
“Aw, isn’t that sweet.”
“It is.” I reached out to trail my fingers down Kelly’s cheek. “And it was.”
West pulled a sappy expression and put a hand to his heart. “Look, Preston, Dad and Dad love each other.”
The comment was said offhand and in jest, but the way the room fell silent, you could’ve heard a pin drop—or the monotonous sound of Harry’s keyboard echoing off the walls.
Inlove? Me and Kelly? That was crazy, right? It was too fast, too soon. But I couldn’t deny the way I’d been feeling since I’d met him. The way I’d felt this weekend. And I couldn’t deny the way my heart had stumbled over itself when he walked through the door just now and kissed me like he was home.
When Kelly said nothing, I tried to think of something funny to say, something to break the tension, but a loudpingingsound did it for me.
“Your phone.” Harry spoke for the first time since he’d arrived, and I quickly grabbed it off the coffee table and opened it. “I set it to go off if any articles with your name or Kelly’s hit.”
I quickly opened it up, and West said, “Read it out loud.”
A close source has come forward to confirm that the heart-shaped birthmark on the masked man’s most billableasset in Kelly “Sin” Sinclair’s videos with Xes Entertainment does belong to Donovan Truitt.
The two were recently spotted at a charity event for Elysium, and were said to be unable to keep their hands off one another once inside.
“Oh my God. I’m going to fucking kill him.”
Kelly got to his feet, taking the phone from me and reading the rest of the article. “Atticus?” he said, as the blood drained from my face. “It’s him, right? Has to be. The way they talk about us sitting together and—”
“He’s seen Van’s birthmark up close and in person?” West chimed in, and I cut a glare in his direction.
“So helpful, asshole.”