“Hellooo. Van?” Preston said.

“Did Serena’s dad see this?”

“I don’t think so. I was looking through it before he got up, so…I just took it.”

“Okay.” I let out a breath, trying to think of what the hell to do next. There were strict rules for members of Elysium, and one of those was not to bring scandal to its doors. If the board members—a.k.a. all of my friends’ parents—caught wind of this, I would be in a world of trouble. My parents might actually disown me. Not for the porn itself, but the fact I was discovered.

My eye began to twitch, and I pressed my fingers to my brow in an effort to make it stop. But it was no use—it was as insistent as the vein now throbbing at my temple.

“We have to make this go away. Ineedto make this go away.”

“No shit,” Preston said as he followed me into the kitchen. “Why do you think I’m here?”

“I wonder why no one else has texted or called. I figured with something like this the guys would be blowing up my phone, giving me shit.”

“They went to Church last night—most of them are probably still sleeping off the hangover.”

That made sense. I grabbed a bottled juice from the fridge and offered one to Preston.

“Nah, I’m good. Thanks.”

I took a long swig of the drink and then put it on the counter and braced my hands there. How had such a perfect weekend turned to shit in a matter of minutes? I let out a sigh, trying to think of the best way to fix this mess.

“Okay, I need someone who can scrub a story from the internet.” I nodded and started to pace the kitchen. “Someone who can hack into the newspaper and delete a file. I might not be able to get it out of the actualpaper, but if I could get it offline, that’s where most people look and read these days.”

“That’s true,” Preston agreed, then clicked his fingers. “West.”

I screwed my nose up. “West? Uh, I don’t think that’s in his skill set.”

Preston chuckled and shook his head. “No, that’s not what I meant. He has a guy, um, Harry, I think his name is? He helped him when that video of JT handing him his ass went viral.”

“Oh, that’s right,” I pulled my phone from my pocket. “Harry scrubbed it.”

“He sure did.”

“That’s perfect. Okay, let me text him.”

SOS. My condo.

While I waited for a response, I turned my attention back to Preston sending off a text of his own.


Preston looked up at me with a crooked smile on his handsome, all-American face. “Yes. I was supposed to have dinner tonight with her and her father, but, um, I’m making my excuses instead.”

I chuckled, feeling his dilemma. “What? Don’t want to face the wrath of Mr. Carrington once he finds out your friend is a porn star?”

Preston grimaced. “Not just him. All of the board are going to have a fit when they find out.”

He wasn’t wrong. But I figured if I could wipe it from the internet then the only thing they had to worry about would be how quickly the next scandal would hit—and in this city, you didn’t have to wait long.

Mine and Kelly’s story would be old news lining garbage cans by the end of the day. At least, that’s what I told myself.


Be there in 5.

Oh thank God.The one thing I had to give my friends credit for—if an SOS came through from any of us, we dropped whatever we were doing and were there within minutes. Something I was very thankful for when West ran inside my condo four minutes later, in nothing but a pair of grey sweats and with mussed-up hair.