“Um.” He shuffled his feet, standing out of arm’s reach of me. “Can I have my phone back?”

I didn’t even realize I was still holding it, but I handed it over, and he hightailed it to the door. But then he turned back and said, “Hey, Kelly? If you need anything or maybe wanna talk, you can always stop by.”

I nodded. “Appreciate the offer, man.”


He slipped out without another word, and I let out a long sigh.

Had Donovan seen this yet? He’d only dropped me off a little while ago, so he probably wasn’t even home yet.

I checked the time on my phone and decided to wait until I knew he wasn’t driving to share the news.





I’d barely stepped off the elevator after arriving home when Preston shoved a newspaper so close to my face, my eyes crossed.

“No, and I can barely see it now,” I said, pushing it aside. “Jesus, what’s your deal, man?”


“Yeah.” I stepped around him and unlocked my door. “I’m barely home a second and you’re all up in my face. Can I have a minute to settle in?”

I walked inside and dropped my bag on the floor, and when I turned around, Preston was still standing there with an expectant look on his face.

“Well, have you had your minute?”

What the hell was going on here? Preston was generally the even-keeled one in our group of friends. He had ambition, direction, and for the most part was the most sensible of the bunch. But right now he looked exasperated—with me.

“Ihave…” I tossed my keys and wallet on the entry table, eyeing the paper in his hand. “So, what’s going on?”

“Wow, you really haven’t seen it.”

“Seen what? I’ve been out of town this weekend, remember?”

“I know, but I figured you— Oh, forget it. Here.” Preston held out the paper again, and I scoffed.

“Seriously? Who reads the paper anymore?”

“Serena’sdad, that’s who, and this was on his kitchen counter this morning.”

I rolled my eyes and took the paper from him.

There, splashed across the number one gossip column in New York, was a photograph of me and Kelly outside of the Elysium the night of the charity event.

That alone wouldn’t cause any worry, but as I skimmed over the article under it, one line jumped out and slapped me across the face.

…many are now speculating over whether we just got a glimpse of the beautiful face that might be hiding behind that mask.

Shit.I’d known this was a possibility, that they might find out who Kelly was and what he did for a living—and that was fine because it was his life, not mine. But I hadn’t expected them to speculate over the masked guy he was with.

Who cared about the masked guy?Kellywas the star. But it seemed my little secret was coming back to bite me in the ass—and not in a good way.