She could hear the distinct sound of a fire crackling as she got closer, and when she finally stepped into the room, the sight that greeted her set her heart to pounding.
Zayne was lounged back against one end of the antique sofa in the room wearing a loose white linen shirt, tan breeches, and black boots that ended just below his knees.
His legs were sprawled apart in a most indecent way, and the neckline of the shirt fell wide, exposing his muscled chest. His dark hair looked as though he’d run his fingers through it when he’d gotten out of the shower, and he looked every inch the sinful viscount.
Chloé’s thighs tightened as her pulse kicked up, and her eyes shifted to the other man in the room.
Ethan stood by the fireplace, his hand braced on the mantel as he stared into the flickering flames. He was dressed in a much more distinguished manner than Zayne, but that certainly didn’t take away from his appeal.
He wore similar boots and breeches, but instead of a loose white linen shirt, his was tucked in under a short-fronted navy tailcoat jacket with a fitted waistcoat. He had a gold pocket watch attached to the outfit and a top hat that sat on the mantel, and he very much embodied the part of the rakish earl.
At the sound of her approach, both men looked in the direction of the door, and when their eyes caught on her, the expression in theirs had flames of wicked desire coursing through her body.
“My lords,” she said, slipping into her role with surprising aplomb. “Thank you for agreeing to wait for me this evening. I hope I haven’t kept you long.”
* * *
I WOULD WAIT to the end of time if meant getting to see you standing there dressed like that,Zayne thought as he drank in the sight of their boss woman chef, dressed up like one of theton’s most respectable Society ladies.
Yeah, that’s right, he knew the lingo. He’d read the book. In fact, he’d read that book several damn times. When he’d gone to Ethan with a paragraph or two that he thought he might like, Ethan’s desire to give him and Chloé what they wanted had come out to play—and holy hell had he succeeded.
When Zayne had first walked into the living room in costume, he’d expected to find Ethan in much the same getup, but no. Wherehewas dressed like some kind of scoundrel, Ethan looked like a distinguished gentleman. The accessories were a nice touch. The pocket watch, the hat—the whole ensemble made him hard as a rock. When the door had opened and Chloé stepped inside, he wondered just how in the hell Ethan thought they were going to last long enough to enjoy the dress she’d spent almost an hour getting into.
“Your Grace, we haven’t been waiting long at all,” Ethan said as he clasped his hands behind his back and walked over to stand at the end of the sofa. “Have we, Lord Zayne?”
If his dick hadn’t been half as hard as it was from the sight of these two dressed up in his ultimate fantasy, he might’ve laughed.Lord Zayne?
But, not about to break scene, he got to his feet and took a step forward, holding his hand out to Chloé.
Jesus, she was beautiful. She’d clipped half her hair up and swept the rest of the curls over her shoulder, and the silver and gold gown she wore fit her to perfection. It hugged her figure like a lover would, and just as he suspected, the neckline showcased her beautiful breasts like two ripe peaches he wanted to taste.
She placed her dainty fingers in his like the elegant duchess she was, and he lowered his head to kiss the back of her hand. As his lips brushed over her warm skin, he felt a shiver run through her, and when he flicked his tongue over the same spot, she gasped.
“Whatever the wait”—Zayne raised his eyes to hers and winked—“it was worth every second.”
A beautiful blush crept up from her chest to her cheeks as he let go of her hand and straightened.
“I see that you got the gift I left for you,” Ethan said. “I must admit, I worried about the measurements. But it seems to fit you quite well.”
Chloé angled her head up a fraction, the pose elegant and haughty all at once. “It does. But you shouldn’t have. It’s not proper for you to be studying my form so closely.”
“We are betrothed.”
“That does not matter.”
“Doesn’t it?” Ethan walked forward and slowly made his way around behind her. “You were hardly worried about propriety when you let me under your skirts last week.”
Chloé’s lips parted in shock as she turned to glare over her shoulder. “How dare you.”
“How dareI? How dareyou, Duchess. It seems you have quite the appetite for sins of the flesh. First me, and then later that same week—him.” Ethan aimed an accusatory look in Zayne’s direction. “Did you think I wouldn’t find out that you’ve been sneaking around with my future wife?”
Oh yeah, he could play the part of the scoundrelrealgood.
“That’s not how it was. But even if it were, she is not your wife yet. Now, if that’s all, I must take my leave. Arguments of the marital kind bore me.”
Zayne turned on his heel, about to walk out, banking on the fact that Ethan would stop him.
“So, she didn’t go across town last week and meet up with you?”