Zayne looked to Ethan, not wanting to put his foot in it, and Ethan offered up his best smile and ran a hand down her arm.
“She’s been very…focused.”
“That’s a very diplomatic answer.” Priest eyed him, a slight grin tugging at his lips.
“It’s the truth. Chloé’s been reading over her notes and getting in the zone. Much like yourself before a trial, I’m sure.”
“True.” Priest hugged his daughter into his side and kissed her on the head. “And I for one cannotwaitto taste what you’ve come up with. So, off you go—be brilliant as only you can be. We’ll be out here, staying far away from your kitchen unless you call.”
Robbie was the next to pull her into a tight embrace. “I’m so proud of you, princess. The daughter, woman, and chef you’ve become. I can’t wait for the rest of the family to get here so I can brag about you.”
She laughed as she kissed his cheek, and said by his ear, “I’m dedicating tonight to Pop. I know he’ll be here too, watching over me.”
Dad nodded and sniffed a little as he blinked away his tears. “Thank you.”
“I love you.”
Julien took her hands then, his expression one full of love and adoration.
“Words can’t express what I’m feeling right now,” he said as he pulled her into his arms and kissed her temple. “Working with you, training you over these years, has been one of the biggest joys of my life. You’re one of the most talented chefs I have ever come across, and no matter what, when you’re in that kitchen tonight, I want you to remember one thing.”
“Oui, Papounet?”
“Have fun.” He pushed a curl behind her ear, then looked to Ethan and Zayne. “Feel free to join us for a drink when you’re ready.”
They nodded, and as Chloé’s fathers walked off, she looked at the two of them with happiness shining from her eyes, and Ethan knew she was ready for whatever came next.
“Good luck tonight, Red.” Zayne leaned in to kiss her cheek. “You’re going to crush it.”
She nodded. “Yes, I am.”
“There’s our girl.” Ethan kissed her other cheek. “Go. Be brilliant. We’ll be here waiting to celebrate you once you’re done.”
Ethan winked at her. “Nothing could drag us away.”
She backed away from them, keeping her eyes locked with theirs until she turned and headed out the back to the kitchens, and Zayne let out a low whistle.
“She’s something else, isn’t she?”
“She is, and you know the best part?” Ethan took Zayne’s hand and pulled him in to brush their lips together. “She’s ours.”
My future is going exactly the way I planned.
I think…
~ Chloé
CHLOÉ PEEKED AROUND the end of the hall and into the main dining room and tried not to panic over how many people were seated out there ready to experience her dishes—yes,herdishes—for the first time.
Katrina, their hostess for the evening, had come back around ten minutes ago to let her know that everyone had arrived and was accounted for, and what tables certain people were seated at.
Yes, I asked. Of course I did.
There was no way she was going to blindly send out plates with this crowd. She had to make sure that the dishes going out to certain people were absolutely perfect, such as Fiona McKenzie—she was table four, guest three. Then there was Grant Irvine, one of herpère’s friends and colleagues. He owned a restaurant on the other side of the city. He was table eight, guest five. Charlene Waters was the top food critic in Chicago and one of the toughest in the nation. She’d been around when herpèrehad first come offChef Master, and he’d had to work extra hard to get her to take him seriously, so Chloé knew she had her work cut out for her there. Table thirteen, guest six.