Zayne grabbed them and stepped over the extra planks of wood lying across the floor. “Do you remember the last time we built something like this?”
Ethan reached for the screw Zayne held out to him. “Likethis? I don’t think we’ve ever built a bookshelf.”
“No, I meant built something in general.”
Ethan narrowed his eyes, searching out the memory, then his lips tipped up into a devious smile. “The cabana at the estate.”
“Mhmm.” Zayne sidled up close to Ethan’s side and hooked a finger through the loop of his jeans. “You made me build that fucking bench.”
“Fuckingbeing the operative word.”
Zayne leaned in and dragged his tongue up the side of Ethan’s neck. “We haven’t used that in years.”
Ethan turned his head until his eyes locked with Zayne’s. “That’s because we opened the club.”
“Maybe we should revisit it. Introduce our little wildcat to it.”
“I thought you said youweren’ttrying to get me out of my jeans.”
Zayne chuckled, lowering his eyes to the very distinct bulge behind Ethan’s zipper. “I’m not. But watching you drilling into things has gotten me all hot under the collar.”
Ethan’s brow arched. “You’re not wearing a collar. Maybe we should change that? I might get more work done if you were stripped and chained up to the coffee table over there.”
Zayne glanced over to the table that had last been decorated with Chloé’s naked body and grinned. “You think you could resist me?”
“Feel like testing me?”
Zayne almost caved but then took a step back. “On second thought, why don’t you go back to drilling and I’ll go and stand over there somewhere?”
Ethan smiled as Zayne ducked out of reach.
Of course he wouldn’t mind getting Ethan out of those jeans. But at the same time, he was smart enough to know who had the most patience out of the two of them—and it sure as fuck wasn’t him.
So while the idea of getting naked with Ethan had his cock begging to come out and play, the notion it would be allowed out only to be tortured for a good thirty minutes made him hold back. He didn’t think he could last that long right now, and he didn’t want to let Ethan down. Even if that did mean his balls were now turning blue.
“Since you seem to be taking a little walk down memory lane right now…” Ethan drilled several screws into the bracket that would hold the shelf in place. “We need to talk about what’s going to happen with The Office going forward.”
Right. The two of them had discussed what their professional lives might look like now that Chloé had entered the picture permanently, and it was time to make a decision.
For so long it had just been the two of them, and they’d been in agreement that they would—and could—take a third together as part of their sexual relationship. But now that Chloé was part of their lives and had filled their desire for a willing submissive, there was no longer any need for…outsourcing, as Ethan called it.
Not to mention, they’d fallen head over heels for their feisty redhead and couldn’t imagine being with anyone else.
“Yeah, you’re right. Were you thinking a replacement?”
“I was. I think that’s for the best. Don’t you?”
“I’m open to the two of us—or three when Chloé’s of age—dabbling in some exhibitionism down there. But no outsiders.”
Zayne nodded. “No one touches her but us.”
“Agreed.” Ethan secured the last bracket then slid the shelf into place.
“You have someone in mind?”
“I do, actually.” Ethan’s eyes flicked up to the clock on the wall. “They should be here any minute now. Feel like taking a break?”