A frown pulled at herpère’s brow. “Oh? That’s unlike him. Was there a problem, or…”
“He was a little strange about the whole thing, actually, but he took it in stride. They were running late. He apologized and said they’d have our usual order here tomorrow—early.”
Pèrelooked at her dad, and they both nodded.
“That’s very good,” Dad said as he took a seat and opened the ordering forms on the computer. “And I see you updated everything and the pricing.”
Chloé narrowed her eyes. “Of course I did. I’ve been dealing with the vendors for a couple years now, Dad. I promise, I didn’t mess up your system.”
“Oh, I know.” He grinned at her. “No need to be defensive. I was complimenting you.”
“That’s right.”Pèrewrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her into his side. “I assume you updated the menu?”
Chloé pulled back from him, disbelief on her face. “Seriously? What’s with all this double-checking all of a sudden?”
“Not double-checking. I would ask the same of anyone. I need to know what I’m cooking tonight.”
She put her hands on her hips. “Then maybe just ask that. Do you really think I’d let JULIEN open three meals down?Withoutchanging the menu out front?”
“There’s no but, justnon. I would never embarrass you that way. I added beef tournedos Rossini, sole meunière, and a seafood bisque.” She wasn’t sure why, but the impressed look on herpère’s face only fueled her annoyance.
Here she’d been feeling all sentimental earlier in the day, and in a matter of minutes the two of them had stomped all over her—apparently—fragileego.
Did they think she was incapable of looking after this place? Well, not about to stick around and find out, she decided the best thing she could do was leave before she got her feelings hurt even more.
“If that’s all,” she said, angling her chin high. But before she could make her exit, a hand clamped on to her arm, halting her.
“It’s not, actually.”
She turned back to see a different kind of expression on her fathers’ faces now, ones full of…pride. Confused, she was about to ask what the hell was going on when herpèretook both her hands in his and said, “It’s time.”
Uh, what?“I don’t understand. Time for what?”
Père’s smile widened, a mischievous light twinkling in his jade eyes. “It’s time for your test,mon ange. Your evaluation.”
“My evaluation?” In all her years working for her fathers, she’d never had to pass any kind of evaluation. What was he talking about?
“That’s right.” Her dad beamed at her from behind his computer like she should be pleased with what they were telling her. “We wanted to test you a little bit today, and you passed with flying colors.”
“Test me?”
“Yes, we had Pauly miss his delivery on purpose.”
Chloé’s jaw hit the floor as she thought back to some of the things she’d said to the man. “Why? Why would you do that?”
“Because we wanted to see how you would handle it,” her dad said.
“And you did beautifully,bichette.”
“Are you kidding me? I was horrible to Pauly, and now you’re telling me he was…was in on it?”
“I’m sure you weren’thorrible,” Dad said. “Even when you’re mad, you’re really very sweet.”
Chloé blinked, trying to wrap her head around all of this. “But…but why? Aren’t you happy with what I’ve been doing here?”
“Of course.”Pèrechuckled. “This was just a little test to see if you were ready for more, and you are.It’s time for your evaluation from your peers.”