Page 12 of Chloé

“Okay, I’m hoping she keeps that one down here. She wasn’t kidding about having a collection. Julien gave her some of his, plus she had several shelves of romance books—naughty-as-fuck ones, judging by what I saw—and man, hardbacks are heavy.”

“Really. With all those muscles you’re complaining about a few books?”

“A few? She has enough to start a small library.”

“Huh.” Ethan scanned the living room. “Then maybe we should build a bookcase? For down here.”

“I bet she’d love that. She also has her stereo and vinyl collection. Maybe something for all of it.”

“Good idea. That space under the stairs wouldn’t be a bad spot.” Ethan looked to the three boxes at his feet. “But for now, how about weslidethem over there? We wouldn’t want to strain all your muscles.”

“Hilarious.” Zayne hauled the heavy box into his arms, and saw the way Ethan checked out his bulging biceps.

“Maybe you should take that upstairs after all?”

A teasing grin flirted at Zayne’s lips. “So you can just stand there and check me out? I don’t think so.”


“Yep. I see the way you’re looking at me. But why should you get what you want”—he dropped the box on the floor and then straightened to look Ethan dead in the eye—“when you’re making me wait?”

“You do know I could just order you to do it, right?”

“But you also know how much I’d enjoy that, so…”

Ethan’s eyes narrowed. Zayne laughed and turned to walk away, and all he heard was, “Yeah, you better run.”

* * *

A LITTLE WHILE later, Ethan pushed open the door to the balcony patio and stepped outside with several takeout bags in hand.

He’d left Chloé and Zayne up there when he’d gotten notification their meal was on its way. Chloé glanced over to see him balancing the drinks in one hand and two bags in the other, then shot up from her seat and hurried over to him.

“Why didn’t you say you needed help?” She quickly took the drink carrier and placed it on the table between the chairs as he came around behind Zayne.

“Because you two have done enough today, and I had it.”

Zayne smiled up at him and took one of the bags.

“Still,” Chloé said. “I could’ve grabbed the drinks.”

“It’s fine,” he assured her as he took a seat and opened the first bag. The smell of hot fries filled his nose as he reached inside to grab the first container. He handed it over to Chloé, and she plucked one out and took a bite. She hummed as she chewed on the salty fry.

“I never would’ve pegged you for a fast food lover.” Ethan handed over her burger as Chloé popped another fry in her mouth.

“Why? ’Cause I work in a hoity-toity French restaurant?”

“To start with, and also because I can’t imagine Julien Thornton-Priestleyallowingyou to eat it.”

She laughed and settled back in her seat, propping her feet up on the table in front of her as she started to unwrap her burger. “Well, you’re not wrong.” She grinned as Zayne reached for his meal. “Dadwas the one who used to sneak me out for a burger.”

“Uh huh.” Zayne nodded. “That sounds like Robbie.”

“Yeah.” She nodded, her eyes twinkling. “We’d go shopping, and then he’d take me to this diner that served hamburgers and fries, milkshakes and root beer floats, and each table had a jukebox. They sometimes danced in the aisle too. His papa—my pop—used to take him when he was little, so it was kind of a like a family tradition passed down.”

Zayne dunked a couple of fries in some ketchup. “Sounds like fun.”

“It was. He would even get me up to dance with the staff sometimes.” She shook her head as she laughed, but the way her eyes twinkled made it obvious it was a memory she cherished.