Chloé’s jaw hit the floor at that, then herpèretook a step back from her, his expression turning serious.
“Don’t you want to know how certainotherpeople reacted?”
She knew what he meant. That he’d been watching the foodies close enough to know whether or not they were impressed, and while shecouldask him, she decided she’d rather not know—at least not tonight.
Tonight, she felt amazing, like she’d climbed the tallest mountain around and stuck her flag at the very top, and she wasn’t going to let anyone bring her down.
“Nope. I don’t want to know anything other than my family enjoyed themselves and I made you all proud.”
“Well, then,bichette,you can rest easy.”Pèresqueezed her hands. “In fact, before you run off with your men for a well-deserved night of celebration, your dad and papa would like you to come up to the skybox and have a glass of champagne with us.”
“I’d love that.”
“Bien. Justin is taking care of Ethan and Zayne, and I told the rest of the family we wouldn’t be long.”
“Oh, okay. Let me get rid of my apron and wash up really quick.”
“Of course. Take your time.” With a final kiss to her cheek, he headed out the doors.
Chloé bade farewell to her team, who were now signing out and leaving the rest of the cleanup to the crew who’d come in after them.
She hurried into the locker room and got rid of her apron and shirt then pulled on a clean one and tied up her hair. A few sprays of her favorite perfume and she was a little more put together than she had been minutes ago. She made her way to the elevator that would take her up to the skybox.
She could still hear loud chatter and laughter coming from the dining room as their guests finished off their dessert, and as she stepped inside and the elevator began its ascent, Chloé found she couldn’t wipe the smile off her face.
Tonight had been incredible, a night she would never forget.
As the doors to her father’s private dining area opened and she stepped inside, the looks of love and respect plastered all over their faces told her they’d never forget it either.
“My beautiful baby girl,” Dad said. He took her face between his hands and kissed both cheeks. “You were magnificent tonight. An absolute star. I’ve never been prouder inallmy life.”
Papa smirked as he came forward. “I don’t know about that,princesse—there’s a whole lot of pride in you.ButI will echo his sentiment. It was wonderful to see your talent on full display tonight, Chloé. I find myself in absolute awe of you.”
She swallowed around the lump of emotion she was feeling and tried to hold back the tears of happiness.
“That means so much to me. All I’ve ever wanted is to make you all proud.”
“We know,” Papa said. “And even if you’d burnt every single meal you brought out tonight, westillwould’ve been proud of you.”
She nodded as they all hugged her again, and then Papa walked her over to the wall of windows that overlooked the main dining room and bar area below.
“Once upon a time,” he said as he looked down to the bar where Ethan and Zayne sat laughing with Justin, “I stood up here and watched my future unfold before my very eyes.”
He looked over her head to where her dad andpèrestood.
“I saw the two men I wanted in my life and the possibility of what that life could be. I saw my future.”
Chloé could hear the love and affection in her papa’s voice, and she looked over to see the two of them smiling back.
“Which brings us now to you, and your future.”
Huh? What about my future?“I… I don’t understand. Things are going great with Ethan and Zayne.”
“We know. That’s not what we mean.” Priest nodded at the guests finishing off their drinks and desserts. “What do you see when you look downthere?”
Chloé’s brows knitted together, and her heart beat a little faster. She’d thought the menu and cooking for her peers had been the test she needed to pass tonight.
But what if that wasn’t the case at all? What if the true test was what was happening here and now? What if what they were really trying to decide was whether she still wantedthis? Whether or not she still wanted to run JULIEN for them one day?