When she didn’t immediately respond, Justin scooted in a little closer to her.
“Look, why don’t I clear my schedule tomorrow? I’ll make sure to get all my work done early, and I’ll come to pasta night and meet your guys.”
Chloé immediately perked up. “Really?”
“Yeah.” Justin shrugged. “I’m sure I can swing it. After all, they aren’t truly accepted into the family until they’ve metallof the men in your life.”
“Exactly, and I think you’re going to really like them.”
“I don’t see why not. I already told you I was impressed that they were brave enough to have dinner with the parentals.”
“They were, and you know what?”
“They even managed to win over Papa.”
Justin sat back and eyed her closely. “Really? Papa likes them?”
Likemight’ve been too strong of a word. He’d definitely warmed up to Zayne—Ethan, however, Papa still seemed a little wary of. But one out of two wasn’t bad, and Justin didn’t need to know that.
“He does, and Dad andPèreare the best, as always.”
“So inotherwords, Papa is polite, which means he may or may not like them, and Dad andPèremake sure he is on his best behavior.”
When Chloé’s grin fell, Justin chuckled.
“Come on, I’m just messing with you. I’m sure our fathers like your guys a whole lot.”
“You think?”
“Well, they’re not dead yet, are they?”
“You’re so funny.” Chloé shoved him in the arm. “But no, they’re not.”
“So there you go. You don’t need my approval. You have theirs.”
“I know I don’t need it, but I want it. Well, not your approval, but I want you to come and meet them. I live with these guys—aren’t you curious?”
Justin slipped off the stool and headed back around the bar. “I am curious. Especially after your impromptu trip to Paris. That’s some courtship you’ve had there.”
No kidding. Talk about wining and dining her. She’d never been more spoiled in her life. But still…
“That was mainly to avoid Zayne’s horrible father and reporters.” Chloé thought about the days walking along the river Seine and picnicking in the park under the watchful eye of the Eiffel Tower. “But it was amazing. Like a dream. There’s nowhere in the world like Paris.”
Justin smirked. “It always was your first love.”
“Oui, and you were my second.”
Justin’s expression turned serious as he crossed his arms over his broad chest. “You’re trying to make me feel guilty now, aren’t you?”
“No.” Chloé pushed up from the stool and reached over to touch his arm. “But you know how much your opinion means to me. From the moment you walked in my life, I’ve been trying to impress you.”
Justin snorted. “More like you’ve been tying me around your little finger, and it works every time. I’ll be there tomorrow night to meet your guys.”
Chloé beamed at him. “I’m so excited. I can’t wait to tell them.”
Justin picked up the bottle of gin and pointed it at her. “That doesn’t mean I’m going to like them.”