Sometimes the most uptight assholes
teach you the biggest lesson of all.
Thanks, Mrs. Fisk.
~ Chloé
“SO… ARE YOU nervous?”
Chloé’s hand hovered over the hangers in her closet as she glanced back at Shayla, who sat in the middle of her bedroom floor with packing boxes all around her.
Today was moving day. It’d been a little over a month since she’d gotten back from her whirlwind trip to Paris with Ethan and Zayne, and she still couldn’t believe this was happening. The disaster that was her room, however, told her it most definitely was.
There were piles of clothes on her bed, shoeboxes stacked high against the wall, storage bins with sample perfumes and dress jewelry, and books organized into a keep-and-donate box.
It was amazing how much a person could accumulate in nineteen years, and this was only her bedroom. She couldn’t even begin to imagine what a headache moving an entire house would be.
“Nervous? Why would I be nervous?”
“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe ’cause you’re moving out of the only home you’ve ever known and into an apartment with your boyfriends.Not to mention, said apartment is above theirsexclub?”
Chloé flashed a shameless smile in her cousin’s direction. “And that’s supposed to make me nervous?”
“Riiight. I forgot about you and…Le Bureau.”
Chloé’s eyes darted in the direction of her bedroom door, which was completely ridiculous, since they were the only two in the house. But the idea that her fathers might accidentally overhear she’d visited The Office in Paris still gave her heart palpitations.
Shayla laughed. “Relax, would you? No one else is home.”
“As far asyouknow. Papa said he’d be back soon, and—”
“You don’t want him to know your two doms tied you up and—”
“Okay, okay. But I have to admit, I’m a little jealous. You’re one lucky bitch.”
“I know.”
Shayla balled up the dress she was folding and threw it at her, and Chloé laughed and turned back to pull several blouses off their hangers.
Somewhere over the last few months, she’d not only managed to fall in love with one man, but two, and in a wonderful twist of fate, they’d fallen right back.
Ethan and Zayne were like a force of nature. They’d stormed into her life and swept her off her feet. But as she stood there now folding her clothes, a slight, niggling doubt entered her mind.
Maybe Shayla was right. What would happen after they moved in together?
Her grin fell, and her stomach knotted, as she turned back to her cousin.
“Do you think Ishouldbe nervous?”
Shayla looked up from what she was doing. “Where’d that come from?”
Seriously, wherehadthat come from?But as Chloé moved over to the bed to sit, she realized her hands were now balled into the soft material she held.
“Chloé?” Shayla got to her feet and moved over to the mattress beside her. “Hey? I was just kidding…”