Heidi stood her ground, jerking her head toward the door. “Let’s go. I gotta get home. Four in the morning at the bakery tomorrow.”

“Good lord, that’s early.” Sandy opened the door to the broom closet and headed back out to the bar. No one gave them a single look, which made Heidi feel much better about what had transpired. They’d been doing it for months, and it always felt great, but Heidi was no longer so sure she could handle the guilt that came afterward. It made no sense at all. Why should she feel guilty for being with Sandy when she was no longer married? Why would she not want to grab onto this situation with both hands? Happiness was fleeting, so why not just be happy with her best friend and confidante?

“Thank you,” Heidi said as she tapped the bar with her now-gloved hand. “I’ll call you.”

“Sounds good, bestie.” Sandy winked, and all Heidi could do was smile in return.


“Hot pumpernickel!” Tony, the head bread baker, shouted.

Heidi waited, an expectant smile on her face, as “hot pumpernickel” responses began echoing throughout the café. She had no idea why he had started doing it when she hired him ten years ago, but she was so glad that he did it now. At first, she had hated it. Not because she didn’t want him to make the place his own, but because every single time it happened, it would scare the ever-loving shit out of her, and she’d jump a mile into the air. A heart attack at five in the morning was never a good way to start the day.

She took a sip of the latte her morning barista had made for her. “This is lovely; thank you, Margaret. And the cinnamon? Lovely touch with the snowman dusting you did on the top. You’re really letting your creativity shine. I love it.” She glanced around the café. The Christmas carols were jamming, the place was packed, and Margaret was handling all the coffee orders like a professional. “Thank you, also, for showing up for your shift today.”

“Well,” Margaret said, pausing to pass a steel mug of milk under the steamer, “I called off yesterday because I wasn’t feeling well, and I know you don’t want us here if we’re sick.”

Heidi took a sheepish sip of coffee. “You’re right; I don’t want you here infecting everyone. Are you feeling better now?”

“Yep! Great, even. So I figured you would be happy that I came in.”

“I’m always happy to see your smiling face, Marge.”

“Oh, how I hate that you call me that,” Margaret said with a forced smile. “Go away now, please. I have six cappuccinos to make.”

“I can help you, you know,” Heidi offered.

“I know you can, Heidi, but I don’t need you to help. I need you to manage. I think Charity is falling apart at the register.”

Heidi glared at Margaret. “Sure.”

“I’m not joking.” Margaret pointed across the café. “She’s waving at me to get your attention.”

“Oh, shit!” Heidi said when she finally saw Charity waving wildly. She hurried over, latte in hand. “What’s going on?”

“I’m out of receipt paper again and someone moved it and didn’t leave a note,” Charity blurted out. “I have three people who need their receipts for work reimbursements.”

“Under the cabinet to the left. I rearranged and clearly forgot to relay the message. I apologize.”

“Great. Thanks for telling us.” Charity nodded, as though that was just one problem resolved on an unending to-do list. “And I have another lady who is trying to pay for her very large catering order with a check.”

“A check?” Heidi gawked. “Who pays with a check anymore?”

“I do, honey,” an elderly woman said from the end of the countertop.

Charity’s muffled giggle was adorably timed. Heidi composed herself as she ushered the lady down to the unopened register. “If you could step this way, miss. I apologize. I understand technology can be a little nerve-racking.”

The lady laughed. “Oh, no, these pastries are for my church’s Christmas EveEvecelebration, and they want a copy of the check. I don’t question the pastor. Although I will admit that my husband won’t allow me to use a debit card. He thinks I’m going to blow through all of our retirement.”

“Wow,” Heidi joked. “And you’ve stayed married to him? What a trooper.”

She shook her head, still laughing. “I know, I know. If divorce was cheap, I think I would have done it years ago.” She passed her check to Heidi. “I also put a tip on here for you ladies.”

“Thank you so much. That is so kind of you.” It’d been a minute since anyone had paid with a check, so she took her time and figured out how to scan it into the system to e-stamp it. “Ahh, there we go. Got it. I won’t forget again.”

“Next time I come in, I’ll make the church raid the offering tray.” The lady winked before she left with her bag full of pastries.

Heidi slid down the counter closer to Charity. “Well, that could have gone horribly,” she whispered out the side of her mouth.