Page 76 of Reckless Deal

“Your mother is here. I just got a call from downstairs.” Lydia’s always calm voice has a hint of panic in it.

Fuck me. I don’t even have time to disappear before Mother barges in.

“Why are you day-drinking at work?” She nods at the tumbler at my desk as soon as she enters.

“Hello, Mother.” I stand up and kiss her on both cheeks.

She cups my face, her eyes glistening. What is happening right now? Bianca Cassinetti doesn’t show emotions. “I’m so happy, Gio. Mila is a perfect wife for you.” She pulls my face closer and kisses my forehead.

Yeah, Mila is perfect. Only she doesn’t care about me as much as her family, or her bank account. I’m a means to an end for her.

“Jesus, Mom, don’t get all sappy on me.” I return to my desk. “I can’t believe you came to the city to tell me this.”

“Well, I came to tell you way more than that.” She sits down and glares at me. Now that’s more like her.

“Go ahead.” I fold my hands behind my head, leaning back and itching for my phone. The monitors on the wall behind her flicker with stock market movements, and I try to focus on that.

“First, I can’t believe you didn’t call me. Gina told me about the engagement. Seriously, Gio. That being said, what great news. I worried you’d marry one of those pretty trollops you’ve been so adamant on dating after what happened with Kimberly, but in the end, you picked an exceptional woman. I adore Mila. She’s good for you.”

Mother’s eyes mist again, and I drop my arms to squeeze the armrests. Better than breaking my jaw by grinding my teeth.

“Which brings me to this.” She rummages in her designer purse and puts a velvet box on my desk. “I understand from Gina it was a spur of a moment proposal in the back of the car. So, for the real thing, I want you to have Nonna’s ring.”

I stare at the box like it’s a grenade, waiting to burn a hole in my desk. I almost try laughing at the irony. Mila would be the perfect bride, deserving a family heirloom ring. Would being the operative word here.

“I’ll get her a ring. Keep this for—”

“Nonsense. I didn’t give it to Massi because I was wary of his first marriage with Gina. Too fast, too young. God knows if they’re going to have a second wedding now. This ring is yours.” She pushes it closer to me, and I fight not to move my chair back.

“It matches your grandfather’s cufflinks you wear all the time. It really should be yours. I mean Mila’s.”

My eyes widen and I look down to adjust my cuffs. I’ve been wearing my grandfather’s cufflinks for years. They would have been my good luck charms if I believed in such shit. I wore them when I struck my first big deal. A part of me wants Mila to wear a matching ring, but the devil on my shoulder reminds me she doesn’t deserve it.

“What’s going on?”

Great. Now I’ve planted a seed in my mother’s observing mind.

“Thank you, Mother.” I grab the box and throw it in the top drawer. I close it and the pens on my desk rattle.

Mother’s scrutiny could wilt plants. She sighs and stands up. “Congratulations, darling. And before I forget, I pulled a few strings and we have a conservatory at the Carlyle booked for Saturday.”

I frown. “For what?”

“Your engagement party, of course.” She chuckles. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of all the details. Just send me the guest list. Or it can be a family-only affair.”

“Family-only,” I say a bit too fast, and she narrows her eyes before she rounds my desk and kisses my forehead.

“I love you, darling Gio. I know you’re not ready to give your heart fully, but you’ll get there.”

Her words linger after she leaves, spurring me to pour myself another drink. Sipping the numbing, golden liquid, I force myself to focus on my emails.

Mila’s name glares at me from my screen. She responded to my conditions.

Of course, looks fine. Whatever you want.

Fuck me.

This is not what I wanted.