Page 68 of Reckless Deal

“Mila.” Gio’s voice follows me.

I run to the bedroom, find my jeans and pull them on. I don’t bother with the rest of my clothes and run.

He stands in the doorway, his eyes fueled with anger. The deep whirlpools of his eyes slowly swallowing me.

“Let. Me. Go.”

His jaw ticks and a vein mars his beautiful forehead. “Let’s talk about this. Let me explain—”

“Let. Me. Go.”

The walls of the spacious bedroom where I’ve spent almost every night since we returned from St. Martin close in on me, suffocating me with every piece of luxury this man has so generously given me without me wanting it.

This is how it always would be. He would keep giving. All the wrong things. For all good reasons.

We glare at each other, my chest heaving. Gio’s phone rings, the sound blasting through the large house with urgency. “Mila.” He reaches for me, and I flinch.

I can’t think when he touches me. I can’t be here. I need to leave and think. Or forget. Or anything but this right now.

He jerks his head as if I slapped him and steps to the side. I push around him and rush away. I’m not letting him see my tears.

He’s moving behind me, but he doesn’t try to stop me anymore.

When I reach the entrance, I push the stupid built-in closet door, grab my coat and stumble around, putting on my boots. Turning to him, I’m hit with his confused, painful expression, and I almost stop my retreat.

His whole body is slumped, beaten. I’ve only known him proud and greater than life, and as I see the broken version of the king I close my eyes, desperately trying to find the silver lining.

This man has never had a normal relationship. I was the closest to normal he’d ever got. But I need to think of myself.

I used to always put Brian first. His feelings. His needs. His wants.

I can’t have this man steamroller me into his outrageous idea of a relationship. He hurt me. He disrespected me. He wanted to buy me.

“Mila,” he croaks, and I open the front door.

“I’ve always been a hooker to you.”



“What’s up your ass?” Conrad asks me as I throw back another whiskey, downing them without finesse. I don’t even know why I came to this stupid gala. I guess I thought the more I pretend my life is back to what it used to be, the more it manifests.

It’s not fucking working.

In the past three weeks, I had Lydia book and then cancel several dates. Fucking Mila. I knew she would ruin me for other women, and here we are. I gave her everything, way more than I ever offered to anyone, and she…

She didn’t understand. It only confirms I was wrong about us working out well. She doesn’t understand my life, and as much as it felt liberating to enjoy her simple, normal way of enjoying life, it was just a temporary excitement that doesn’t really fit my lifestyle.

Then why…?Fuck, don’t go there.

“Nothing’s up my ass. Can’t I enjoy a drink or two?” I gesture for the bartender.

“More like five or six.” Nora runs her hand up and down my arm. What am I, some poor bastard? I don’t fucking want her sympathy.

“What are you, the drinking police now?” I growl.

“Watch it, asshole,” Conrad growls, and takes my glass away. “What’s going on?”