Page 6 of Reckless Deal

By the time I hit the sofa, ready to die of exhaustion, it’s almost midnight. The kitchen is clean, the kids are fed, and Annie has fallen asleep with them. My alarm is set for me to hit the print shop right as they open.

Everything is just slightly under control.

* * *

“I’m so sorry I’m late.” I plop down across from Gina. Casa Cassi isn’t yet busy with the lunch crowd, but the place buzzes with preparations.

“No worries, I had things to discuss with Massi and Phillip.” She stands up and saunters behind the bar. “Do you want a coffee?”

“Yes, please.” I shed my coat and lift my hair to cool my sweaty nape. I need to get my schedule under control.

The coffee grinder roars to life and the lifesaving aroma fills the room. I close my eyes for a moment, to find my equilibrium after running like a headless chicken all morning.

Late seems to be the theme of the month. At least Aidan got to school almost on time. His morning meltdown put a serious dent in my schedule, but I did get my presentation printed.

The swinging door to the kitchen bangs open and I immediately know the beat of calm is over.

“I thought we agreed you won’t drink coffee anymore,” Massi roars at his wife. Well, technically, she’s his ex-wife.

“It’s for Mila,” Gina drawls, and Massi’s features soften immediately.

He walks around the counter to reach her and kisses her hair, gently caressing her growing belly. The scene tugs at the corners of my lips.

“Hey, Mila.” Massi waves. “Nice to see you finally shop for clothes in the adult department.” He chuckles.

I glare at Gina. It seems like my wardrobe disaster from last week is a joke in the Cassinetti household. “No worries, you’d look amazing even in a sack of potatoes.” Massi winks and returns to his kingdom in the kitchen.

“He’s not wrong.” Gina returns with two cups of espresso and sits down. She glows, and not only because she is pregnant. She’s been glowing ever since they got back together.

A pang of jealousy licks at my insides. While I’m happy for my best friend, her newly-found second chance at love solved all her financial problems, and she is expecting. She deserves all the good fortune coming her way, but Jesus, I could use a break.

She raises the small cup to her lips, and I raise my eyebrow.

“What? Don’t judge me. If the man thinks I can function without caffeine because it’s better for the baby, he’s wrong. Besides, this is my first.” She shrugs and inhales the aroma.

“Your first?” I chuckle.

She glares at me, but a smile lingers on her face. “Let’s get to business.”

“Of course, boss.” I bite my lip.

We spend half an hour going through all the social media plans for several restaurants Gina works with. Or I should say, “we” work with, but we wouldn’t have those clients without her, so I don’t pretend. I’ve always been her sidekick.

“Okay, I think we’re set for the week. When is your meeting? Should I get Massi to make us something to eat?” Gina stands up. “I’ve been ravenous all waking hours.”

“Maybe just soup. I’m a bit nervous.”

The pitch has kept me up since I received the call. I don’t know how such a big company found out about me, but just being invited to present my capabilities is an opportunity. I need to break the streak of bad luck I’ve been having.

“Don’t be silly, Mils. You’ll dazzle them. You know your shit, and they wouldn’t have invited you if they didn’t think you have something to offer.” She raises her finger and disappears into the kitchen.

I don’t feel as amazing as she seems to believe. Since I returned from California almost a year ago, nothing I try is enough. If it wasn’t for my therapist, I would fall into believing Brian was right all along.

Gina returns. “Mils, London has been raving about all you’ve done, not only to save her gala but improve it. I’m sure this job will get you on the right track to have a pool of stable clients. Also, I’ll need you to step in and take on more once the baby comes.” She sits down and reaches over to squeeze my hand.

“I hope you’re right, because lately I feel I’ve lost my dazzling powers.” I smile at her.

“You’ve been taking on too much.”