Page 30 of Reckless Deal

“I have my reasons,” I growl. I don’t need his business advice.

“Okay. I’ll look around. At least you won’t tease me about my pet projects.”

“Fair enough, asshole. I guess we’re old enough to spend on things for reasons beyond profit. Anyway, make sure the company is financially healthy.”

There is a clunk and commotion before he comes back. “I fucking almost fell off the treadmill. Why would you want to buy a financially healthy company? You buy them, you heal them, you sell them for a shitload of money. It’s been your jam for years now.”

I sigh. I’m usually very open with Conrad, so why do I feel I can’t tell him? Because it’s not a business decision, and no way I’m admitting that. “As I said, I have my reasons. Just find me one while I’m wasting my time scouting your stupid vineyard.”

“I think the California sun melted your brain.” He chuckles.

I exhale, but my exasperation lingers. Not because he’s challenging me, but because I fear he’s right. “Don’t you worry about me. Say hi to Nora and we’ll talk when I return.”

“Oh, before you go, Nora wants to go to the Alzheimer’s Society gala. I’m thinking about getting a table. It’s at the end of January.” He exhales, and a few short beeps followed by silence suggests he’s finished his run. “Nora would love you to join us.”

“I didn’t know you’re staying for another month. Sure, I’ll be there.”

“Great, but don’t bring one of your usual dates. Nora hates most of them. They don’t talk, just purse their lips and take selfies.”

“Thank you for your opinion. I’ll make sure my companion meets your demanding wife’s requirements.” If I have my way, Mila will be on my arm by then.

We hang up, and as I pack the rest of my things, I catch myself whistling. What the fuck?

If I can eliminate our working relationship without impacting Mila’s ability to make ends meet, I will ask her out.

Hopefully she will agree to the terms.

* * *

I exit the elevator, and for once Mila is not late but waiting downstairs. Or laughing with the fucking photographer. The asshole has been documenting all the events and is awfully friendly with her, but I assumed he was just ensuring his paycheck.

What the fuck is he doing here? Red edges around my vision as I take in the cozy scene. They are leaning on the back side of a sofa in the middle of the lobby, looking at pictures. He’s too close, leaning in.

Her laugh ricochets off the pillars around the room, grating on my nerves. It’s sweet and genuine. What is so damn funny?

I storm across the lobby. “What are you doing?” I growl at the man I’ve seen four times. I should know his name. Dead. That’s what he’ll be called soon.

He jumps up, his smile fading, but Mila doesn’t read the room. “Gio, look, Fabio made a portrait of me and had it printed. Isn’t it beautiful?”

She pushes a frame toward me, and I look down at a black-and-white close-up of her beautiful smile. Her hair is in her face, but the mess only emphasizes the natural beauty. It’s a snapshot stolen without her awareness, lending it truth.

The fucker did a good job, but why was he even looking at her? “I thought you were hired to document the events.”

“And you’ll be pleased with the results, I’m sure.” He smirks.

Mila presses the photograph to her chest. Her protective move snaps me back to reality. What the fuck am I doing?

“Let’s go. The helicopter is waiting.” I don’t wait for her and jerk my carry-on. Annoyance spreads through me like poison. At Fabio. At Mila. But mostly at myself. What kind of a caveman behavior was that?

“Helicopter?” Mila breezes behind me.

Fuck. There goes my lovely surprise invitation to Napa.



“Icould have taken a commercial flight.” I’m annoyed Gio didn’t tell me sooner about his plan to visit some vineyard in Napa. It would be different if it was for fun, but he’s dragging me to assess a property.